Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Why is Obama's approval in the 40's?

Records are meant to be broken. No president has had approval ratings lower than Obama has within the first year of a presidency. It really does not take much insight to figure out why this has happened:
  • His healthcare bill is wildly unpopular. 70% of Seniors don't like it. The vast majority of Independents and all Republicans don't. What you have left is a minority of Independents, and the far left. I bring up Seniors because they vote in higher numbers than any other section of the population.
  • Cap and Trade Bill: This bill is also wildly unpopular. This has only passed the House of Representatives and is most likely a non-starter in the Senate. Even so, most voters know this bill is something that will hurt the economy and small business. Lastly, Climate Change legislation is at the bottom of voters minds, with only 2% thinking it should be addressed as the number one issue.
  • Partisan Democrats: This happens when the GOP is in full power as well. At any rate, the Democrats run the WH, House, and Senate. The electorate usually likes some type of balance. That shall be on its way in 2010.
  • Spending- Obama's spending makes Bush look thrifty. The deficit is ballooning at the highest rate in history under Obama. People know that you cannot fully spend your way out of a recession. Inflation is going to KILL us. That's why the dollar is so weak right now.
  • Obama promised the unemployment would not exceed 8% if his so called stimulus would be passed. Well, it's now over 10%. Where are the promises now, Obama?
  • Obama ran as a moderate, had a record of a liberal. Those who "hoped" he'd stick with his campaign promises are seeing what the real Obama is like. Couldn't have they just have looked at his record? Being that he was the most liberal senator in the US, shouldn't that have been obvious where he'd be?

Friday, December 11, 2009

Colorado Senate Poll

In a new Rasmussen Reports poll, Colorado Senator Michael Bennett (D) has some bad numbers. His approval stands at 37%, while his disapproval is at 49%. Which leads to the obvious conclusion:
  • Republican challenger Jane Norton leads Bennett 46-37% in today's poll.
As I said in a previous post, 2010 is going to be a big shift away from Democrats, and toward the GOP. One reason is the public is upset over the Democrats agenda; and secondly and most importantly, the GOP has recruited some outstanding challengers in many states..... like Jane Norton. Norton, the former Lt. Governor of Colorado is extremely liked here.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Election 2010 Senate previews

I know we're 11 months away from the 2010 elections, but the pickings are becoming much more sweet for the GOP.

Here are the top showdowns on my mind:
  • Nevada: Harry Reid (D), the Senate Majority Leader looks to be in serious trouble. His approval in the state is only 38%. He trails both GOP possibilities, Sue Lowden 51-41; and Danny Tarkanian 49-43. These polls are consistent with other poll numbers. This would be the crown jewel of the 2010 class, as Reid is the Majority Leader (and very annoying).
  • Connecticut: Chris Dodd (D) who chairs many important committees is in serious trouble. He trails all GOP challengers, and likely GOP opponent Rob Simmons is a GOP strength in the region. Simmons leads by 13 in Rasmussen Reports and 11 in Quinnipiac polls. In addition, the vast majority of voters distrust Dodd because of a few scandels, and disapprove of him.
  • Delaware: Joe Biden's empty seat is up for grabs. Biden's son is the likely Democrat nominee. The GOP's chance is Mike Castle, who is well known and liked in the state. In fact, all the polls have Castle up by 4-8 points.
  • Illinois: Roland Burris, who took Obama's Senate seat, is not running for re-election. If he did, he would get pounded. Anyway, the GOP nominee, Mark Kirk, has a 50/50 chance at winning this seat. Most polls have him even with his Democrat challenger.
  • North Dakota: Byron Dorgan (D) must be praying that the Governor, John Hoeven (R) doesn't run. If Hoeven runs, Dorgan is Dead on Arrival, as all polls say.
  • New York: Kirsten Gillebrand (D) is the fill-in for Hillary Clinton. She is not terribly popular, but has a chance for re-election. Unless a strong GOP candidate, say Rudy Guiliani decides to run. If America's Mayor decides to run, he would be the odds-on favorite to win.
  • Arkansas: Blanche Lincoln (D) is probably the most endangered species in the Senate. She is getting beat by any of her GOP challengers. It would take a slight miracle for her to keep her Senate seat.
  • California: Barbara Boxer (D) has low approval ratings (and is a bitch) but she still might win because this is California after all.
  • Colorado: Michael Bennett (D) has probably less than 50/50 chance of winning election here. Scott McInnis (R) is the favorite in this matchup.
  • Ohio: George Voinovich (R) is retiring. This seat is a toss-up, with the Republican Rob Portman (R) slightly ahead in the polls. The Democrat hasn't been decided yet.
  • Missouri: Kit Bond (R) is retiring. His replacement, Roy Blount is about a 50/50 bet to beat Jean Carnahan.
One thing to note: Any 50/50 battle in 06 and 08 went to the Democrats. This year is on the GOP side. People are already getting sick of the Democrats. With that being said, many toss ups may in fact be easy GOP victories.

GO GOP!!!!


So I'm sure everybody is aware of Climate-gate. Oh, except the liberal media. So little has been said on this in the mainstream media. It's almost funny, if it weren't so pathetic. So the lead researchers and defenders of global warming at East Anglia University had their emails hacked into. Many of the lead scientists are questioning what to do with the scientific data that shows that global warming may in fact not be as certain as they say. Of course, in their data all of these facts were not put into account.

So whatever ones mindset on whether global warming is primarily manmade would have to stop and wonder why data from only one side of the argument is being touted. While the other side of the debate is being shut off. If it's true science, then let ALL of the data prove it, not just the data that will make the UN, Al Gore, and these universities enough money to buy a small country.

And by the way, why does Gore still travel by private gulf stream if he is so into this "science"?

The facts on the ground remain-- The Earth goes through warming and cooling periods. Over the previous 12 years, it warmed some. Over the past 12 years, it's cooled some. And over the past century and a half, the temperature has gone up a whopping 1.5 degrees. Not exactly enough for us to deplete our economy with cap and trade legislation.

Obama's hypocrisy on the deficit

Obama is right that the Bush administration let the deficit balloon out of control. However, for Obama to say this is really hypocritical. Obama's deficit is so far beyond the rate at what Bush rose it, he has no place to defend it. And when you add in the estimated 2.25 trillion his new health care plan will cost, he REALLY should just shut his mouth up.


Another word on the Stimulus. Despite White House Spokesman Robert Gibbs and Obama STILL declaring the stimulus a success, here's another factoid that would be hard to defend.... On average per dollar spent thus far, the stimulus has cost an average of 245K per job. It's hard to defend this number. I think most of the unemployed would take the 245K and invest it in gold these days and call it good.