Monday, November 10, 2008


Well, this was expected. The outcome of Tuesday's election was not at all surprising. In fact, "only" having a 53-46 loss isn't too bad considering what it could have been.

Ladies and gentleman, I now give you President elect Barack Hussein Obama. Sounds weird, doesn't it? Anyway, I am very concerned that he will fight against all of the values and beliefs so many of Americans stand for. Take four examples, for instance that covers economic, social, and foreign policy issues:

  • Obama promising to undo NAFTA that Republican congress and Clinton Admin negotiated. Aren't Democrats the ones that complain that Bush did things on his own too much? Isn't it ironic that it isn't a big deal when Obama wants to do the same.
  • Obama promising to install the FOCA (Freedom of Choice Act). This basically takes out any restrictions on abortion throughout a pregnancy.
  • Obama's promise to be a 21st Robinhood. Seriously, why does anybody believe that taking from one group and handing it out to another is good for anybody? Basically this equates to a Bible analogy. Instead of giving fish to the hungry, the hungry should learn how to fish and take care of themselves.
  • Iraq- Obama is still debating 2003's decision to go into Iraq. And based on that decision, he seems inclined to just let Iraq go down in defeat. Apparently, Obama knows more about our military options in Iraq than General Petraeus does.