Am I the only one who thinks BH Obama's whining about Rush Limbaugh to be a tad embarrassing? Seriously, this is a president who is trying to lecture people to stop listening to Rush. The hypocrisy is astounding from Obama. He wants to lecture an UNELECTED citizen on what he says, yet won't take on anyone on his side for being polarizing?
That's fine and dandy that Obama wants bi-partisanship..... But, if he wants this, he should be going after BOTH sides. Such as Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, who are about as hyper-partisan as there is in this country. Liberals think of Rush's partisanship just as conservatives think of these two as partisan. But the difference is......... Pelosi and Reid are elected officials. And still, Obama chooses to lecture the Republican congress not to listen to a partisan as Rush.
The fact is, Obama wants to silence his distractors. Isn't it a bit hypocritical? Especially when liberals demonized Republicans and Bush that had never been seen before, all in the good name of free speech?