Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Releasing CIA classified documents

This is quite remarkable, worth the read. This president is much worse that I could have imagined. What a joke, these are lives we are dealing with. He seems to think it's politics at its best.

1. Dennis Blair, current Director of National Intelligence under Obambi stated the enhanced interrogations used by the Bush Admin. we received the highest of value information from al qaeda.

2. Obambi still thinks these methods are so out of bounds that we will never use them again, even if it would save American lives.

3. Obambi is thinking about prosecuting lawyers and CIA agents who operated these interrogation methods.

4. Eric Holder, current AG said in 2002 the Geneva Convention shouldn't apply to al qaeda terrorists.

5. The waterboarding of terrorist and killer Khalid Sheik Muhammed gave us information which directly foiled a terrorist attack on a skyscraper in Los Angeles.

6. There needs to be a full disclosure declassified from the CIA so the numbskulls who think we do this for the hell of it to see the success it's produced. To hell with liberals, they are freaking clueless.

7. On Sunday, Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel said CIA operatives and lawyers would not be prosecuted. Two days later, Obama said they might be.

It is ammature hour at the White House these days.
