- The Congressional Budget office and its director said the House's plan would add over 230 Billion the federal budget over 10 years. This despite the president saying no debt would be added.
- The idea of adding a 5.4% surtax to the rich. Talk about a Robinhood society. I don't care how much people make, why should they be punished for success? When does it stop?
- Small businesses will be raked over the coals with penalties if all of their employees are not ensured. This countries personal freedoms are flying out the window. Now the government gets to control a small businesses benefits plans? Geesh!
- Politicians have the right to opt out of the single payer system. Wonder why? It's good enough for the masses, but not for them. The fact is, our country has far superior health care than any country in the world. Facts can be stubborn.
- Medicare would be rationed, at what point is unknown. Although the Democrat House, Senate, and the Obama Admin. has admitted in some form Medicare would be decreased.
- Overall rationing of coverage. If, for instance, an 80 year old woman needs a hip replaced, there is plenty of evidence to support she may be denied in her circumstances.
- The mortality rates in Canada are higher than the US. This, with "free" healthcare.
- Of those that Obama say can stay on their current plan, over 80 Million Americans will be taken off their current plan and replaced by the government plan. These were estimates made by two non-partisan groups, who said this many employers would dump the coverage of their employees.
- Abortions- At this point, the administration said government funded abortions would be neutral. This means they most likely will be included in our taxes for government run health care. So despite those of us who see abortion as the taking of ones life, we still have to fund this act with our tax money.
- The majority of Americans now disagree with Obama on government run health care! We conservatives knew it would only take time. Once the facts are out about what it actually is, people will decide decisively against it. Of course everyone wants everybody to be covered, but this is NOT the way to do it. The more control government has, the worse anything becomes.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Thoughts on government run health care
I wouldn't have to be a conservative to see the massive holes in the government trying to run health care, having a one pay system, or whatever they're trying to construct. Here's some loose thoughts and facts: