- New Jersey Gubernatorial candidate (R) Chris Christie is thrashing the incumbent (D) Jon Corzine by 51-36 in the most recent poll. His average poll lead is 13 points over the past few months.
- Virginia Gubernatorial candidate (R) Bob McDonnell is beating (D) Creigh Deeds by 51-37, which also looks very promising.
- On the generic ballot, Rasmussen Reports for the past 4 weeks has Republicans ahead of Democrats. It's currently at 43-38 for Republicans. During the last two cycles, Dems were always ahead.
- Obama has a 48% approval rating in Zogby and Rasmussen polls. He's at 51% disapprove (and growing) in both polls.
- 71% of Americans think he's raising our debt to uncontrolled proportions.
- The majority now think he's a partisan liberal (rather than when he portrayed himself as a centrist during the campaign).
- Many Democrat Senators are in trouble for 2010: Chris Dodd, Harry Reid, and Barbara Boxer. What's remarkable about this is Dodd and Boxer are in Liberal states. And Reid is the Senate Majority Leader (and doesn't yet have competition on the Republican side).
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Here's a few more tidbits to say the trends of Democrat dominance of 2006 and 2008 may be coming to an end. Surely, there are no signs of perfection from Republicans, but it looks far better than the last two election cycles. Here's some evidence of this: