On Saturday night, the healthcare mess, which includes a public option, passed in the House by a 220-215 vote. All Republicans, sans one, voted against this bill. In addition, 39 Democrats voted against the bill. And there would have been dozens of more Democrats who would have voted against the bill had Democrat Bart Stupak's provision of not including funds for abortions been included in the bill.
Now we learn that the liberals in the House are going to strip away the bill that would not fund taxpayer abortions, therefore allowing our tax dollars to pay for abortions. This will not only lose the 1 Republican in the House, but it will lose Stupak, and many other Democrats.
Don't you just love it when a political party keeps shooting themselves in the foot?
An another thing- Didn't this President promise bipartisanship? How is that working out for us? Well, things will be a changin' when we hit the 2010 elections.. Nighty Night Donky!!