I really don't know where to start, except to say this is the most sneaky, slimy piece of legislation that I've ever seen. They are trying to bribe members of congress to change their vote to yes. Then they were thinking about reconciliation (which is what's happening now), then deem and pass (which votes not on the actual health care bill, but the process) so Democrats don't have to put their necks on the line for such an unpopular piece of legislation. Democrats are also trying to sneak in Student Loan care, which in effect gives control of student loans to the government. This was put in to try to sway unsure Democrats to support the overall bill. Nothing like including Student Loans into a Health Care bill.
Here are some more things that are truly disgusting, truly the Chicago Thug style of politics that Obama is imploring:
- In an interview Tuesday, Obama says he's not sure what "special deals" (aka-bribes) are in the final piece of legislation (Cornhusker Kickback, Louisiana Purchase, Gator-Aide, North Dakota deal, Connecticut deal, etc.) He flat out didn't know. And even so, he's saying this bill HAS to pass.
- Abortion- As much as Obama says the Senate bill doesn't allow public funds for abortion per the Hyde Amendment, he and his allies refuse to allow the Stupak amendment language be placed in the Senate version. In actuality, the Senate bill distinctly says funds will be given to health centers around America. These health centers can use the funds for their patients as they choose, which includes abortion. Presto, hence the public funds for abortion are included. NOTE: Stupak is a Democrat from Michigan who is a pro-life and refuses to support a bill that doesn't have strict abortion language in it. He has about 8-12 other Dems on board with him.
- Reconciliation- Now that the Democrats don't have a Super-Majority of 60 votes in the Senate (after Scott Brown's victory), the only way for Democrats to pass the bill is by using a tactic called "reconciliation" or the "nuclear option". This means a simple majority wins. In other words, all Democrats would need now is 51 votes, instead of the normal filibuster proof 60. Two problems with this-- one, Obama, Clinton, Biden, Dodd, etc. blasted the possibility of Bush using this tactic back in 2005, some in this group calling it a power grab and even unconstitutional. Now, it seems these Democrats have a change of heart now that they want it used for their advantage. Two-- Reconciliation was passed by law only to be used by budgetary issues. This current bill doesn't have to do with budget issues. Just think--- Obama was going to be the candidate to change Washington. Yeah right!
- Transparency- During the 2008 campaign, Obama promised 8 times to hold debate and the writeup of the health care bill on CSPAN. Not only did this not happen, Republicans weren't even invited in to help draw up the bill. Only Democrats in backroom deals. Pathetic!
- Republicans don't have a plan??- Obama equates opposing this plan to "doing nothing" as he says Republicans would do. Of course he's completely lying on this. Republicans have offered things such as pooling groups together for cheaper insurance, Tort Reform, Buying insurance across state lines, buying meds from Canada, offering families tax credits of say $4,000 on medical expenses. But by admitting this, Obama would have to be fair, and fair he isn't.
- Deem and Pass- Since the public has been so much against Obamacare (in virtually every poll), Democrats have thought of the "Slaughter Solution", also known as Deem and Pass. Louise Slaughter, Democrat, was where this tactic was named after. Anyway, as mentioned above, this allows Democrats to pass not the actual health bill, but the actual vote on the process. Democrats have deemed (no pun intended) that not having to actually vote on the unpopular bill would give them cover, being that many of these congressmen would be voted out in November on this vote. Nonetheless, if the Deem and Pass passes, debate would be over with the bill going through successfully.
- Large Majorities be damned- Despite having 60, and now 59 votes in the Senate, and a large majority in the House, Democrats still cannot get out of each others way. The debate has gone on for over a year. So many Democrats are wary of the process, in addition to the actual vote, they cannot seem to muster up enough support. Even with all of the White House bribes.
- There are ZERO Republicans in the House or Senate who support this bill. Never has a large piece of legislation not had bipartisan support. Even the Iraq War (over 20 Dems) and Bush Tax Cuts (around a dozen) had major bipartisan support.
- The "Doc Fix"-- This means there should have been a 22% decrease in payouts to Doctors who work with Medicare patients. Of course nobody wanted the Doctors to have this decrease. So instead, Democrats moved this bill to a bill on its own, being that it would have hurt the overall numbers, turning it upside down financially. So this 250 Billion Dollar "loss" will not be included in the health care bill.
- Medicare Savings-- In the bill, Medicare cuts are to be $500 Billion. These "cuts" are being used for other parts of health care. Even so, Obama and his allies say the expansion of Medicare will be made possible by these savings. So in effect, Obama is "double-counting" the savings, as the money is also being spent. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) who rates these plans, says double counting cannot be included. Nonetheless, Democrats are still doing it. Stubborn facts get in the way of Democrats arguments too many times.
- Tax increases-- Obama says only the upper income people will pay for the rest of the bill. But the fact remains, and always will be, the majority of small business owners would be classified as "upper income" earners because of how they file taxes. Nothing like hurting small businesses.
- Businesses-- Businesses who don't supply health care to their employees will be fined 8%. Instead of supplying health care, many of the employers will pay the fine because it will be cheaper to pay it, than supplying insurance. This means millions of people will be taken off their business insurance and pushed into the government plan. So when Obama says you can keep your plan if you'd like, that's totally untrue. Some will, but most will be decided by their employers. Case in point, Caterpillar estimates they will lose over $100 Million the first year if Obamacare passes.
- Fined for not insuring yourself is not American-- Yet this is what will happen. When I was 22 and not on my parents plan anymore, I didn't want to buy insurance. Instead, I wanted my money used for other things I deemed more important. Yet the government will now fine us if we don't get insurance. That is so Un-American.
- Medical Devices will be taxed-- And who will they pass this bill onto?? Of course, the Doctors offices and Hospitals, which gets passed on to the consumer.