The Obama Administration has decided it is best to let the world know that we will not use a Nuclear Weapon in response to an attack from a country that does not use them themselves. In other words, if any rogue country (besides N. Korea and Iran) attacked us with a Biological or Chemical weapon, we have promised NOT to use a Nuclear weapon in return. So what are we going to use? This seems to box the United States in. To say that the world "appreciates" this gesture is not a valid reason in announcing this action. And there were obvious signs that the Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, had deep reservations about this policy Obama is taking on. But as any liberal President would say-- As long as it makes the New York Times happy....... Ugh!
Looking at history- What if we told the world that we wouldn't use a Nuclear weapon before WWII? Our response to Pearl Harbor would not have done the everlasting damage it against our enemy. Also, before the Gulf War in 1991, Defense Secretary George Shultz told a high ranking Iraqi official that if they used Biological or Chemical weapons on the US, we would hold the Nuclear option on the table. Many experts believe this help deterred Iraq from using these weapons against us. There's nothing like the threat of something that holds our enemy back. Apparently, Obama doesn't believe this. I'd imagine the majority of the country would disagree with him.