Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Blumenthal lies about Vietnam

At the start of 2010, Republicans were in the driver's seat to take Connecticut Senator Chris Dodd's seat. After reading the tea leaves, Dodd decided to not seek re-election. In this heavily Democrat state, Attorney General Richard Blumenthal put his hat into the ring. Immediately Blumenthal was winning in the polls by 20-30 points over any Republican challenger. You would have thought that Blumenthal's chances were next to 100 percent. The is unless, of course, one decides to lie about their military service. IN a stunning revelation, Blumenthal was "caught" by the New York Times of all sources, that he did NOT serve in Vietnam as Blumenthal has said on several occasions on the campaign trail. Oops!!! Blumenthal's response to this is that he "misspoke". This is just like saying Bill Clinton accidentally put his penis in Monica Lewinsky's mouth on several occasions.