Monday, October 25, 2010

Foreign Donations in politics

What's with all the hoopla over foreign donations? Is it true that every time we turn on the TV, we are flooded with ads denouncing a certain candidate? Yes. Is it very annoying at times? You bet! However, as the Obama Administration tries to define this as the Republicans spending hundreds of millions to defeat Democrats, let's take a look at a few of the facts, why don't we:
  • Obama promised to take federal funding if his opponent did in '08. After McCain decided to take federal funding, Obama decided to opt out and take personal money, therefore unlimited. So not only does Obama go back on a promise, but he does EXACTLY what he's complaining the GOP is doing in '10.
  • Of the top 10 spending organizations, 6 of them are liberally funded. And the tops is the ACSME municipal union.
  • Obama accepted over $400 million in donations that didn't have a name attached to it, so he can't say one side is playing hardball with donations, but he isn't. Once again, he did EXACTLY what he's complaining about now.
  • In fact, in 2008, liberals spent over a hundred million dollars more than conservatives on political races.
  • Argument liberals make- The unions have a name behind them and some of these donations don't. Well, that doesn't hold water, as many of these union members who pay monthly dues, don't even support these ads. It's the brass that decides to spend the money on this.
  • Chamber of Commerce, Karl Rove- These were the bogeymen of the Obama argument of receiving foreign donations. However, there is ZERO evidence any foreign donations have seeped into advertising for or against a candidate. Wasn't Obama supposed to be about hope and change, and not fear? Oops!!!
  • If Obama didn't like the law of not having more transparency, he should have done two things: #1- Don't receive funds for his campaign that didn't have names attached to them. And #2, change the law. Remember, he had the Presidency and both houses of congress. Where's his excuse?? Sounds like fear-mongering to the far left political base.. the base in which Obama stands.