- According to a Zogby poll, Obama is now below 40 percent approval. He's been averaging around 44 percent amongst all polls recently. Nonetheless, the needle is pointing downwards, as his promises of 2008 are not coming to fruition.
A few thoughts to ponder:
- Will a Democrat challenge him in 2012? If not Clinton, there won't be a serious challenger, only a token challenger from his left (if there's such a thing).
- Only the economy rebounding big time will Obama be able to recover in time for 2012. Either that, or he faces a nominal GOP candidate that the country doesn't get behind, ala John McCain.
- If the GOP can get somebody with the fire to run against Obama like Chris Christie, Marco Rubio, or Mike Pence, Obama would REALLY need some great fortune during the next year. Again, nothing could be bigger than major US job growth. But with his anti-business policies, I'm not sure how that'll happen.