Several people were shot in a public meeting, with congresswoman Giffords, a Democrat, and a federal judge, who is a Christian conservative. Right after the massacre took place, liberal pundits went on the air proclaiming it was the political right- Palin, Limbaugh, Tea Party are partly responsible because of all of the heated rhetoric. This is just breathtaking that they would take this tack, though not suprising in the least. They do this all the time. When there's a shooting, blame society, blame gun owners, blame Christians, but never ever blame the insane person who carried through these violent acts.
The above is the classic difference between a liberal and conservative mindset... Liberals believe there's always a societal reason behind anyone's violent actions.... Conservatives believe that we should be all held accountable for our actions and not always want to blame other things for ones actions-- it's called personal accountability!
So when Obama says to his political enemies to "get in their face and argue with them", or "if they bring a knife, we will bring a gun", or when the Democrat organization puts out a "target" map of Republicans they want to take down... I can go on forever with these examples.
The fact is, that's what politicians do. It's not a call for actually carrying out these acts; they are metaphors, even when conservatives do them, not just liberals.
And the backlash is under way. This is the reason why the NYT is getting DESTROYED by The Wall Street Journal. This is why MSNBC is getting spanked by Fox News. This is why network coverage is about non-existent. Period, end of sentence!