Contrary to popular political belief, the big money really lies in the Democrat party. Of the top ten contributors to political campaigns since 1989, 5 of them are from unions. Of course, unions PAC's vote Democrat 100% of the time. In the 2010 election, 10 of the top 20 PAC's were from unions. Finally, the top 10 industries gave more money to Democrats than Republicans in 2010? This includes the likes of lawyers, Securities, Real Estate, Pharma, Unions, Health professionals, etc.
So despite hearing all of the liberal psychobabble when it comes to this issue, just remember the facts. This is true with the unions fighting Governor Scott Walker in Wisconsin. They are pissed off because they are proposed to have to pay a little more into their healthcare and so forth. Nonetheless, these public unions still pay FAR less for these expensives than the private sector. And what do they do? Well, they take their toys and go home. All of the Democrats in the state senate have left the state in protest. Didn't Obama say that elections have consequences in 08? I guess that doesn't include his own party when they get taken to the woodshed! Also, they wonderful teachers who are protesting are calling in sick instead of going back to work to teach.
As conservatives always say, performance is way more important than tenure. Of course these teacher unions who are so powerful, usually get their way; even though it hurts the children the most.