Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Why conservatism beats liberalism

In a manuscript I write, I explain why conservatism fits into my view on life, mainly as a Christian. This is the main reason why I vote like I do. But, as Winston Churchill explains, there are very logical reasons to to be conservative:
"If you aren't liberal at age 20, you have no heart; if you aren't conservative at age 40, you have no brain."

Here are some quick reasons why voting for the more conservative candidate always wins:
  • School choice- As much as liberals say they are all about choice, they aren't when it comes to schools. Instead, liberals suck on the Unions teet and therefore oppose school vouchers, school choice; as well as rip private schools and home schooling to shreds.
  • Abortion- This happens to be the only thing where liberals support "choice". In fact, as more technology proves the point that life begins at conception, public support is now on the side of life. Honestly, liberals support abortion on demand, plain and simple. We have a president who supports partial birth abortion; and is in the tank for Planned Parenthood, Now Organization for Women, is opposed to parental notification. Do I need to go on? Fact is, if you are pro-life, how can you support Democrats?
  • Less Government intrusion- Liberals want government more in our lives; conservatives want citizens to make more choices themselves.
  • Health Care- Liberals rammed through a mandate where it demands us to buy health insurance or pay a fine. How unconstitutional is that?
  • Giving to charity- In every metric polled, conservatives give FAR more to charity in time and money than do liberals. Fact is, conservatives would rather make that decision personally; while liberals would rather FORCE this on citizens through higher taxation.
  • Marriage- The Defense of Marriage Act is under assault by liberals again. This, despite around 65 percent of our country believing that marriage should be between ONE man and ONE woman. This doesn't take away rights for gay couples, as they should have rights. But you can't change a definition (or law) based on what a minority of Americans want. For Christians, this shouldn't even be an issue.
  • Accountability- Conservatism by and large, serves to the folks who believe in accountability for their actions. Get pregnant, don't kill the unborn. Are you a bad rated teacher? You may lose your job. Commit murder? Death penalty may be the result of taking a life.
  • Imminent Domain- Conservatives believe private property is just that... Liberals believe that private property can be taken away by the government if they determine it would be more useful for public consumption (parks, building, etc.).
  • Taxation- Despite living in a society where our government spends trillions more than it has, liberals think we still don't tax enough. This despite already living in a progressive system where the higher earners already pay the lions share of taxes... and the poor pay next to nothing.
  • Unions v. Business- Liberals support big union because unions ONLY support Democrats. Therefore, they receive sweetheart deals-- pensions, healthcare, wages, in exchange for electing liberal politicians. It's the gift that keeps on giving.... for liberals.