Well, the matchup between Senate Majority leader Harry Reid and conservative Republican Sharron Angle is neck and neck. Despite Reid being in the dumps all year and being incredibly unpopular in his home state, he's surviving thus far. This was something I've warned for several months; he has the political ability (e.g. finances, sliming opponent) to win this race. And when you add the evil, corrupt unions, he has more than a fighters chance.
Despite getting a conservative, I do believe Republican Sue Lowden would have been a much better fit for Republicans. I don't dislike Angle, she is just viewed as too far to the right to get elected by too many. Why didn't Republicans vote for the safer choice in Lowden? She most likely would have walked to victory against Reid. And it's not like Lowden disagrees with Republicans on anything, solid on social issues, economic issues, as well as national security.
In the Colorado Senate race, could there be the possibility of the same thing happening? So far, it seems that Republican Ken Buck is more liked than Angle. Buck is still running close with establishment favorite Jane Norton. I personally like them both, but think Norton has less of a chance to make a big mistake and give the race to the Democrats (either Romanoff or Bennet). As of now, it's the GOP's race to lose. I still haven't decided who I'm going to support, Norton or Buck.