We are about 90 days out from the midterm elections of 2010. As of now, there is growing optimism that the GOP will take back the House of Representatives. In most "wave" elections, all of the close house races goes to the party that has the momentum. Take 2006- There were many house seats held by the GOP in which they were slight favorites going in. As the patterned surfaced, many of those seats went to the Democrats, just barely. However, wave elections tend to do this. When there is enough dissatisfaction with the party in power (in this case, Democrats hold all 3 branches of government), they usually get skunked. In 2010, this is definitely the case. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Leader Harry Reid, and President Obama are all unpopular by every poll taken over the past few months. And the worst part is? Things are getting worse for them! Here's several things to note as to the importance of taking enough house seats to win majority (currently at 39):
1. Pelosi would not be the Speaker anymore. This means that she wouldn't drive the narrative of legislation anymore. This speaks for itself.
2. Whenever there is a tremendously unpopular bill, like the health care bill, Cap and Trade, or the stimulus, the House GOP will vote against it, and WITH the will of the people!
3. No more bargaining with a far left agenda that Obama wants to turn our country into. If you disagree with this statement, just look at the polls. They are on our side, by large margins. Independents are for the GOP this year in huge numbers, namely because Obama doesn't know how lead.
4. Did I mention we'd see a lot less of the wicked witch... I mean Pelosi???