On the heels of my mid-September predictions, here's a few inviting polls in close races held by Democrats.
West Virginia- John Raese has now pulled ahead of Democrat Joe Manchin. This would be a huge pickup, being that it wasn't on the radar only 2 weeks ago. As my previous blog stated, West Virginia cannot stand Obama, so this poll isn't surprising despite Mancin's popularity.
Wisconsin- Republican Ron Johnson appears to be opening up a lead over incumbent Russ Feingold. The last two polls have him up 7 and 11 points, respectively.
Nevada- Sharron Angle leads by a point in each of the last two polls over Harry Reid.
California- Democrat Barbara Boxer's 8 point lead of last week is now down to 1 point.
Summation: If these four contests go GOP, there very well could be a GOP Senate majority, in addition to a new GOP House majority. Add these four to GOP pickups in North Dakota, Arkansas, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Illinois, and Colorado. Then add on the possibilities of Connecticut, Washington, Delaware, and New York. WOW!!!