It is absolutely insane for our country not to explore more drilling for oil. We have become way too dependent on foreign countries for our oil supply. We send out over 700 Billion dollars last year, many to terrorists or rogue states such as Iran, Venezuela, etc. Instead of getting 75% of our oil from overseas, why don't we drill more to become less dependent?
Against the environmentalists argument for more drilling-
During Hurricane Katrina, there was no oil spills off the Gulf of Mexico. Now if these oil rigs can withstand Mother Nature's best, why do we think the nation with the best technology in the world can't make this happen? With such advancements as directional drilling, the footprint of oil drilling can hardly be noticed.
Maybe the best argument I've heard is if we don't do it with our environmental standards and wonderful technology, someone is going to. Such countries as Russia, Iran, China, will do it anyway with less regard for our environment. So why don't we do it, get ourselves less dependent on foreign oil, spend less money in the long term, and invest on the resources our country has: Oil Shale in Rockies, ANWR, OTC (Outer Continental Shelf), offshore, etc.
I believe with energy prices this high, we need to do it all: drill, continue to invest in alternative energy (solar, wind, etc.), conserve, build more nuclear power plants. Hey, even the French are succeeding with the nuclear power thing.
Getting political:
Polls suggest that better than 2 to 1 believe that we need to expand offshore drilling to ease energy costs.
58% believe drilling in ANWR is the right thing to do.
65% believe drilling in the OTC is the right thing to do.
..... And yet, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi won't allow this to even come to a vote, citing "Save the Planet" concerns. Give me a break. How pathetic is that? So much for her promise that she'd allow all options to be debated and voted on. So much for the will of the American people.