Nonetheless, Madam Speaker of the Do Nothing House, Pelosi will still NOT allow voting on drilling. Her response- "I want to save the planet." Wow, what a bunch of BS. Even though the majority of Americans want it, she won't even allow it to be debated and voted on. Sounds like somebody's scared that she'll be in the minority on this one.
Since oil speculators are who Democrats have their sights set on, we can solve that one simple way. Well two ways, but one was already done:
- To lift the ban on offshore drilling. Bush did that, and within 3 days, oil went down 15 bucks.
- If we start drilling, such as on the Outer Continental Shelf, more offshore drilling, Shale, ANWR, whatever, the speculators will see this as a sign that more oil is on the way. This will drive price down.
- Finally, the most basic law of economics. Supply and Demand. If our supply goes up, Demand goes down. Somehow Miss Pelosi and most Democrats don't get this, and would rather save a few Caribou in Alaska, than bring the costs of Energy down.