Here's a few thoughts:
- McCain believes that life begins at conception, no exceptions.
- He believes in lower taxes for everyone, no wealth redistribution.
- He believes in Health Care free market solutions, giving a 7K credit to families to find our own healthcare.
- He believes in finishing the job in Iraq and actually......................winning!
- He explained his most difficult choice of his life was not leaving the Vietnamese prison camp, because of code of honor. Instead endured 3 more years of torture and pain.
- He now supports more domestic and offshore drilling for econonic (supply and demand) reasons, and security (not relying on rogue nations for oil) reasons.
Compared to Obama's equivications, overexplaining his answers, and trying to minimize his admitted unpopular decisions.
- He's not sure when life begins, he believes it's "above his pay grade". Perhaps he should read Psalm 139, or Jeremiah 1:6, then he'll know what the Bible says about this.
- He believes in raising taxes, mainly on small businesses, doubling capital gains and dividends tax, etc, etc, etc.
- Believes in government run healthcare. Hello more taxes, government bureacracy, waiting in lines for 8 hours. Plus, estimates say we'd need so many more doctors and nurses, we don't have them available.
- He believes in leaving Iraq in 16 months, no matter that we're winning and forming a democracy in the middle East. Apparently he knows more than General David Petraeus.
- Obama's most difficult choice was giving a speech against the war in Iraq when the war was popular. This as a state senator, where he had NO vote on the war itself. Wow, what an extraordinary courage!!
- He's against all drilling. I guess he'd rather pay $700 billion to foreign, many rogue countries for our oil.