Many Christians cite several reasons as to why their faith supports their backing of Obama. Here are some of them- Obama cares more for the environment; Obama wants to give more to the needy; Obama doesn't want war; Obama is moderate on abortion rights; Obama believes marriage is between one man and one woman; Obama has been a Christian for a few decades, etc. (Let me know if I'm missing a big argument).
Here's the counter that I see as a Christian in no particular order of voting against any liberal, which includes Obama:
Giving to needy- Republicans give FAR more to charity than do liberals. In 2005, the percentages was something like 7.8% to 2.6%. (Don't quote me on this, but it is something close to this as I remember). The point is, we shouldn't be told what or where we should give our earnings to. So don't let a liberal fear you into believing Republicans don't do the "Jesus Act" of giving. We just want to be able to decide this for ourselves, not having the government decide where our money goes.
I believe the Bible teaches us to respect the environment and take care of it. There's a fine line between doing that, and worshipping it the way many liberals do. McCain has fought and introduced a bill limiting carbon emissions, and against warming of the earth (although I don't believe we are the main cause of warming). It seems there is a logical, fair balance between taking care of our Earth, and letting it determine how we live our lives.
Obama isn't against war- He wants more boots on the ground in Afghanistan. He believes that we went into Bosnia and Kosovo for the right reasons. So for those who support him because he is against war, these people are either mis-informed, or drinking the Obama kool-aid. Obama just chose not to support the Iraq war. Even today, he doesn't support the successes in Iraq, even though success is near and a new democracy is being formed in the middle east.
About war- Who do you trust as a Christian? Charles Stanley's belief that the Bible isn't against war, that there are times for it. Or do you trust Jeremiah Wright, Father Pfleger, Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton, that all war is immoral?
Obama believes his old church was "a normal Christian church". Now that is a load of crap. If ANYONE believes that Jeremiah Wright's church is a normal church, their intelligence should be checked. Seriously, can one imagine if McCain, or any other Republican, attended a racist church? That in and of itself would disqualify them from running for President of the US. Obama sat in the pews of Jeremiah Wright's racist, anti-semitic, over the line church for 20 years and didn't think there was any problem? What does that say about judgment? That's right, I forgot, Obama never heard any of these crazy sermons where Wright Damn's America, saying the chickens have come home to roost after 9-11, that our gov't created aids to kill off blacks, that our country should be called US of KKK A. Obama's next book should be called "The Audacity of Ignorance".
Had Father Pfleger and Wright as his spiritual advisors. Once again, WOW. That is absolutely breathtaking!
Abortion- For me, supporting a politician starts right here. If one believes in the sanctity of life (Jeremiah 1:5, among others), how can you support such a radical pro abortion candidate? Here's Obama's past and record regarding abortion:
- Voting against the Infant Born Alive Act in the Illinois state senate.
- Vowed to Planned Parenthood that the first thing he'd do is fight for the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) once he got into office.
- Believes that Partial Birth Abortion is a normal medical procedure and should be legal.
- Said if his daughters got pregnant, he wouldn't want them to be "punished" by their mistake.
- Has a 0% rating from the National Right to Life Organization.
Obama believes that much of the Bible is not practical to life in 2008. Although doesn't it say in scripture that the Bible is "THE LIVING WORD?" Apparently, Obama seems to think some of it died along the way.
Regarding same sex marriage-