Certaintly, the time when things were starting to turn on its head was when the economic calamidy happened. The fact that we have a sitting Republican president will get blamed by the majority, even though most even handed analysts say this problem was induced by all parties involved. To admit otherwise, most wouldn't take you seriously. Nonetheless, the fact that we are heading into a recession, the Dow has dropped 20% over the past couple weeks, credit is in the toilet, the housing market is in the outhouse, this is what you get. And the thing is, it's on every front page paper, every single day. And when people check their 401K's, they get pissed. And the Bush Administration would be the face of their anger, rightly or wrongly.
So, what needs to happen for McCain to get back into this thing? Here's some reasons to not feel totally deflated and depressed.
- With a spiraling economy, unpopular war, 8 years of a now unpopular president, McCain still is on average down 6 points when you take in account all polls. This includes Gallup, Hotline, Rasmussen, Wash Post, CBS News, Quinnipiac, etc.
- Ford trailed Carter 30 days out of the election by 30 points. Carter ended up winning by 1 point.
- McCain still leads big over Obama when it comes to who people see as a leader and Commander in Chief. This is no small thing.
- Obama is stalling. He is playing very catious. No bold moves. You know what happens when a defense in football plays prevent defense? They usually get burned in the end.
- Obama has so many ties to radicals, Marxists, very left leaning people and groups: William Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, Father Pfleger, Rashid Khalidi, Tony Rezko, attended the Million Man March with Farakhan, ACORN, Saul Alinsky.
- Obama has lied about his relationships- Not knowing of Wrights racists rants in church, saying Ayers was only someone in his neighborhood, when everyone knows he was MUCH more than that.
- ACORN- Already voter fraud allegations in 13 states. This includes battleground states Ohio, Nevada, Missouri, and Florida.
- ACORN cont- Several ACORN members have already been arrested for voter fraud.
- Country wants more bipartisanship- McCain provides this. Is against his party and with Democrats on GITMO, Global Warming, Against Constitutional amendment defining marriage, torture, against drilling in ANWR, part of gang of 14 on judges, pro-embryonic stem cell, etc..
- Obama has not opposed his Democrat party-line on ANYTHING, despite his call for change.
- Obama, without a doubt, is the most liberal candidate in history. Fact is, our country is still a center-right country.
- Bradley effect- Nobody knows what having a black candidate will result at the polls. There are many white democrats who just can't see themselves voting for Obama because of race, much less independents. Many say the Bradley effect (where voters won't admit to pollsters that they won't vote for a black candidate), can result as much as 3-5 points in certain states.