Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Obama's socialism

Obama wants to raise taxes on the top income earners in America-

  • To Charlie Gibson, he says it's only fair.

  • To O'Reilly, he says it's the neighborly thing to do.

I call it income redistribution. Moreover, socialism. The top income earners pay more than their "fair share". I would invite those who disagree to look at the tax charts. You'd be amazed at the % they pay.

Obama all over the map on capital gains and dividends tax. But he has promised to raise this from Bush's levels. In the primaries, he said in the ballpark of 25-30%.

To O'Reilly he said he might go down to 20%. He's incoherent on this. He's simply stating things the people want to hear. Can we get a straight answer Obama?

In spite of what he says, Obama has 293 billion in extra spending. Economists say there's no way he can take enough from the upper income taxpayers to pay for this spending. In the end, he will have to raise taxes on the middle class.

Then you can add on his wanting of Universal Healthcare, how much will that cost? Obama simply hasn't stated what it will cost.