On Friday morning, before the full 3 day affects of McCain's and Palin's speeches, Rasmussen poll has it 48-46 Obama (within the margin of error). NOTE: Rasmussen is the most accurate poll over the past two cycles. It nailed the 2004 election almost dead on.
CBS Poll- 42-42 dead even. Last week Obama was up 8 points. This has notoriously been a Democrat tilted poll.
51% believe the press has been unfair on Palin, according to Rasmussen. 35% say they have been fair.
58% approve of Palin; Obama and McCain are at 57%, according to Rasmussen.
The average of ALL polls taken have Obama averaging up 2.6. It's been going down, as last month it was in the 4-5% spot.
By the end of the weekend, we should know where things are at after the two VP picks and both conventions.