- Abortion. Democrats, in large part, are so socially liberal, being pro-life means being treated like a pariah. Take Gov. Casey being dis-invited to the 1992 convention to speak because he was pro-life. Does anyone know that Clinton, Gore, Gephardt, Jesse Jackson, etc. were pro-life before running for president? I'll get some of their quotes soon, they're astounding in their support for the unborn. What gall to all of a sudden think they don't have rights anymore, now that they run for high office.
- School. Democrats think that parents don't or shouldn't have the ability to send their schools to the school of their choice. Obama, like all other Democrats, oppose school vouchers. A recent poll I saw said that 80% of blacks support school vouchers.
- Social Security. Republicans think that its citizens should have the ability to invest some of their OWN SS in higher return places, such as stocks and mutual funds. Democrats (see Al Gore) want to put that money in a "lock box". Therefore not allowing seniors to even try to get a higher return on their investment.
- Democrats give the bad guys the benefit of the doubt. To the extent that they believe terrrorists deserve habeas corpus and legal council. Give me a break, should we give them tea and cookies while they are waiting? THEY WANT TO KILL AMERICAN PEOPLE!!!!
- FISA, Patriot Act, Gitmo- I'm lumping these all into one for this argument. Even liberals and Democrats agreed with these after 9/11. Reason being? EVERYBODY thought we'd get attacked again and we needed to use every measure possible to keep from allowing this. If you want to, go look at the Democrats who supported these new functions after 9/11. The same jerkoffs who say it is infringing on our civil liberties. SCREW THEM!!!
- FISA- Liberals think the telecommunication company's and the evil Bush are listening to our personal calls. And these people are pathetic enough to think that our government has time to listen to them. They cry their civil liberties are being taken away. Wake up- They are only listening on calls coming in of the country, going out, or calls within that has evidence that the person may be a potential suspect.
- GITMO- These are terrorist suspects being held in our prison in Cuba. It's been documented that many of them that have been released have been seen in the battlefield in Iraq or Afghanistan. Yet Democrats think they deserve every right as an American. They are terrorists, not enemy combatants. Yet on multiple reports, it's been known that they get very decent lifestyles, in which they DO NOT deserve.
- Treating Terrorism like law enforcement - How many times did we hear Clinton in his state of the union speeches address the need to respond to terrorist attacks. Same went for Kerry. You'd need a lot of time devoted to hearing this from Kerry in 04. During the primaries, to impress the liberal die-hards, Obama said countless times how we need to respond in kind to those who attack us and bring them to justice. Difference is- Republicans go after them and want to cut their heads off!
- Iraq- The vast majority of Democrats voting to go in and take out the regime in 2002, saying it had to be done because of fear of the chemical and biological weapons that were unaccounted for. Now they sing a different tune. And least Hillary had the balls (seriously) to not apologize for her vote. She did the right thing with what she knew.
- Surge- Even though Obama says it's been a bigger success than even Bush could have predicted, he still says it was a mistake. Is he an idiot?? Apparently so! All the facts fly in the face of what he says about the surge.
- Still not attacked since 9/11- Do Democrats think this is an accident? Imagine Kerry or Obama in the wake of 9/11. Very scary!
- Obama smarter than Petraeus?- Obama believes we should still leave Iraq, no matter that we are winning. Petraeus, Crocker, Millen, and all other Generals say it would be disaster if we left now. We can leave winning WHEN the Generals on the ground say it's right to do so. Why doesn't Obama get called on this more often? Let me ask again, does Obama think he knows more than the Generals on the ground?
- Tax, tax, tax, that's what Democrats believe. Are we done?
- Democrats and liberals truly believe that they can handle your money better than you can. The proof is in the pudding. It's just a matter of fact.
- Democrats believe in- Death tax, Marriage tax, raising capital gains, raising dividends, raising income tax level, raising payroll taxes on businesses, raising oil tax, etc... Whereas Republicans killed the death and marriage tax, lowered Cap gains and dividends in half in some cases, lowered payroll, income, and pushed for lowering oil tax. These are facts.
- Obama's taxes are code for Welfare- Obama says he will lower taxes on 95% of Americans, but that's not really true. Instead, he wants those 40% or so who DON'T pay income tax to just simply get a rebate check. I call it a welfare check.
- Obama will lower taxes for the rest up until 95%, but has promised to raise the capital gains, dividends, bring back the death tax, and raise payroll taxes on businesses. I haven't heard him talk about the marriage penalty. So even though he wants to lower middle class taxes, will this be offset by raising taxes on said above taxes? Do your own math.
- Big Brother- Over-Regulation, wanting the government to be involved in EVERY little nook and cranny of ones life. This is what Democrats have always called for.
- Big Government Programs- With Obama's tax and spending plan, he has I believe 1 trillion in dollars that he has proposed that hasn't been paid for in his plan. Don't quote me on this, as I saw this on the news a few weeks ago... The point is, Democrats try they darndest to find ways to spend our money.
- Pork Projects- Although both party's are guilty of this, of the two candidates, only one tries to bring home the bacon for his state. That's Obama. Of the days he's actually been in Washington over the past 4 years, he's averaged nearly 1 million dollars per day in pork. Talk about wasteful spending. McCain rejects all pork spending.
- Democrats and liberals have been labeled elitist, snobbish, arrogant for good reason. They look down at the fly over America. In general, they detest: 2nd Amendment rights, Christians or people of faith, pro-life advocates, those against same sex marriage, those for prayer in school, teaching of creationism in school, etc, etc, etc.
- 2nd Amendment- In 2000, Democrats lost because of this issue. Al Gore stumped on gun control and regulation in hotly contested states as Ohio, West Virginia, Tennessee (his own state). Many say he lost because of this. Nonetheless, it doesn't mean liberals don't hate people who protect themselves, hunt, or use guns for sport. Obama in his acceptance speech said like-minded people can want the protection of the 2nd amendment, as well as keeping automatic weapons out of the hands of thugs. Obama misses the point entirely. It's the gangs and thugs who get ILLEGAL access to guns. They aren't the law abiding citizens. Obama's incredibly naive if he thinks the ones who get licenses are the ones to worry about.
- Faith- Some Democrats and/or liberals are of faith, but most aren't. The ones who are, Kennedy, Obama, Kerry, etc. speak differently. Notice the difference between how they and Bush speaks about faith. To them, it seems like just another thing. To Bush, it's personal. This is why the large majority of people vote Republican.
- Abortion- See above. To be certain, Democrats and liberals of faith don't want abortion to interfere with law. Such things as life and death. Joe Biden thinks life begins at conception, yet supports abortion???? How does that jive with reality? Do Democrats of faith read Jeremiah 1:5, or Psalm? Apparently not!
- Same sex marriage- Most people in the heartland- Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, etc. will start voting more consistently Republican, as long as Democrats and liberals keep pushing the envelope on moral issues as this. Do Democrats of faith not read Sodom and Gomorrah??? Do they not believe in certain aspects of the Bible? Are they like Obama, who believe some passages in the Bible cannot be taken literally anymore? What a COMPLETE JOKE LIBERALS ARE!!!!!!
- Clinging to our guns and Religion- Obama said that's what people do during hard times. He said this at a rally in San Francisco. I really think there is a very deep disconnect between liberals and people of faith. Faith is not something we "cling" to in hard times.
- Prayer in school, Pledge of Allegiance, taking down Crosses, etc.- This is the liberal mantra. They believe there is no place for this in the public square. Even though our country was founded on Christian principles and the majority of Americans believe in Christianity. Groups as the ACLU are a disease to our country. And we know liberals and Democrats support the ACLU in mass numbers. I've yet to meet a conservative who thinks what the ACLU does helps our country in any way.
- I've covered this on a few blogs in August. Nonetheless, over 70% believe we need more drilling, yet liberal Democrats have spent the past year not allowing a vote in the House or Senate.
- Fact is, Liberals do not want oil drilling. This is because they in bed with environmental causes.
- Liberals and Democrats don't mind higher fuel prices- Obama admitted that he's more concerned about the rapid rise, rather than the actual prices. And when you add emission caps, etc., this only raises prices.