- On September 2nd, the New York Times ran 3 front page stories on Palin's 17 year old daughter being pregnant, and its ramifications.
- On September 2nd, there was ONE small story in the NYT on one of the back pages of the Iraqi government now in charge of the Anbar Province (one of the deadliest areas in Iraq that Al-qaidi focused on). Apparently Bristol Palin is better news than success in Iraq.
- The remarkable display of immaturity, in the tank for Obama that MSNBC is. Did anyone see the fighting on air between Olbermann-Mathews? Scarborough-Shuster? Olbermann-Scarborough? What a laughingstock they are. No wonder they are at the bottom of the ratings on a nightly basis.
- Obama saying he has more experience than Palin. Forget the argument, why is Obama have to defend himself against the other parties' #2? How embarrasing.
- Many conservatives are seeing deja vu all over again. How the MSM (mainstream media) is ripping Sarah Palin on a daily basis. Remember how they were to Ronald Reagan? I guess this type of scrutiny should be worn like a badge of honor.
Finally, right after Palin's pick was announced by Fox News, Obama spokesperson Bill Burton went on the attack about Palin's lack of experience. 3 hours later, Team Obama backtracked and Obama congratulated Palin on the pick. Good for him!
Too bad they went on the attack right after the announcement was made. What a joke. Obama constantly says he rises above politics and the attacks. Whatever. Time and time again, Obama and his campaign has shown that this mantra of change and partisanship bickering will stop, it really hasn't.