A few things that can/will dramatically shift the race in the next six weeks:
- The presidential debates. In 2000, Bush overperformed expectations and went from being down 4-6 points, to being dead even. Gore looked like the class bully, the know it all.
- The VP debates. 3 things could happen- Palin could look overmatched on foreign policy; Biden could look old and tired; or they have equally good and bad moments.
- Big economic news; This past week, Obama has gained because of Lehman Brothers, Fannie and Freddie, AIG, Merril Lynch, showing weaknesses. In other words, no matter whose fault it is, it will look bad for Republicans.
- Foreign Policy news; Can look good or bad for each party: The Russia/Georgia conflict hurt Obama, as he looked weak-kneed. And Americans were reminded that Obama has a United Nations mentality- give the bad guy every benefit of the doubt.