- Before the Iraq troop surge: When Iraq was still a bloody mess, Biden and Obama both said that Iraq would, under no circumstances, succeed with a troop surge. If you want Obama's reasoning behind how the troop surge would make things worse, go to youtube. Believe me, you'll have NO trouble finding statements by him that it would fail. After Bush decided on the surge, Iraq has completely stabilized and will go down as one of the great decisions to fix a mess. Even Obama admits the surge has exceeded his expectations. And if Obama and Biden had their way?? We would have come home with a complete mess left in Iraq without finishing the job.
- Dividing Iraq into three sections: Biden said the best way to stabilize Iraq would be to partition the country in three sections, so the three different factions of the country (Sunni's, Shia's, and Kurds) could live peacefully. This idea was laughed off by about every military commander, saying this wasn't a serious solution. Even though Biden was dead serious.
- Before Bush left office: Bush signed a pact with the Iraq government that we had a timetable to leave. Although, no doubt, Obama will take credit when the majority of our troops come home, it was Bush who agreed on this pact, not Obama.
- Obama campaigned on bringing them home before war was won: This didn't happen, as the actual facts on the ground will ALWAYS supercede campaign promises. Obama was wrong to believe the commanders on the ground didn't know better. Alas, Obama went with what the commanders wanted. Duh!!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Biden- Iraq is Obama Admin great achievement??
Say what? We know that Joe Biden is known to shoot from the hip when he speaks. Everyone in Washington knows that he embellishes about as much as any politician known to man. But come on. Even the biggest Democrat backer would have a difficult time defending the statement Biden made to Larry King the other night. Biden exclaimed that Iraq would be one of the Obama Administration's biggest successes. Wow, is all I have to say. I will try my very best to list a few non-partisan facts that would counter Biden's wild claim. And since we were already in Iraq, let's not fight the battle of why we went into Iraq in the first place. Biden's argument doesn't deal with that.