Monday, February 1, 2010

Hillary was right on Obama

During the course of the 2008 Democrat Primaries, Hillary and Bill Clinton consistently were beating the drum of how "green" Obama would be to foreign policy, should he become president. Now, we have several campaign issues and current events that will attest to the Clinton's worry that Obama is simply too extreme and wet behind the ears when it comes to foreign policy. Some examples:
  • Wanting to negotiate with rogue dictatorships, such as Iran and North Korea. What have we got for it thus far? Short answer---Having our president stoop to the level of these thugs by giving them the time of day.
  • Closing Gitmo-- The majority of our country still believe Gitmo is the right place to hold these terrorists. If Obama had his way, they'd be either on US soil in our max prisons, or sent back to places like Yemen.
  • Ending the war in Iraq-- Well, it was Bush who signed off on finishing the war in a few years. However, in the SOTU speech last week, Obama said we will close it down soon. He's saying this as if it were his decision. In reality, this was done by the Bush Admin. And one last thing- if we would have listened to Obama and the liberals, we would not have added more troops and would have sent our troops home with the war lost, and Iraq in disarray. However, with Bush and General Petraeus, we will go home after WINNING the war.
  • Christmas Day Bomber-- We interrogated this guy for only 50 minutes before reading him his miranda rights. Come again? That's unbelievable! Our state department, led by AG Eric Holder, should be held accountable. So instead of continuing the interrogation, we read him his rights and allow him to lawyer up? Again, this is a terrorist who almost blew up a plane on US soil. This isn't a tax cheat, or even a felon.
  • 9/11 Terrorists trial in New York-- The justice Department, again led by AG Eric Holder, wanted to try these terrorists in NYC. This with have Gitmo at our disposal to have a military tribunal. With this admin even admitting military tribunal's are legal and necessary, what is the rationale behind wanting this in NYC? Now many Democrats are coming out against it. Not just the cost, which is estimated at 200 million/yr, but at the moral issue of it. This being the ability for the defendants to grandstand and make themselves out to be martyrs. The public, by a double digit margin, wants these done in Gitmo. The numbers speak for themselves.