The issue of the recidivism rates for terrorists who we have released has been the hotly debated topic on Capital Hill over the past couple weeks. It's been noted that the recidivism rate has been around 12% over the course of the Bush Administration. This, of course, is not ideal. The ideal would be 0%.... just keep the bastards locked up forever at Gitmo. With the caveat that if they have been sent to Gitmo and are of no future threat by our experts, they should be released (these cases have proven to be rare).
Anyway, Obama's National Anti-Terrorism Chief John Brennan, who has made some pretty spectacularly irresponsible statements and articles over the war on terror, made another doozie over the weekend. Here's what Brennan said regarding this:
"People sometimes use that figure, 20 percent, say 'Oh my goodness, one out of five detainees returned to some type of extremist activity,'" Brennan said. "You know, the American penal system, the recidivism rate is up to something about 50 percent or so, as far as return to crime. Twenty percent isn't that bad."
At this point, I'm wondering who I think should be fired first, John Brennan, or Attorney General Eric Holder? Maybe both???