Yesterday the Administration came out with their form of Obamacare. In some ways, it's even more extreme than the Senate and House versions that were overwhelmingly unpopular with the American public. This Administration is absolutely tone-deaf when it comes to the Healthcare debate. In a democracy, there are competing ideas that get debated on, and the public usually gets to decide on the merits which side has won the debate. And usually the side that wins the debate is where the law goes. When it doesn't, there are major casualties in the next election cycle for those who voted against the will of the public. So here's a friendly warning to by liberal friends--- continue supporting Obamacare, and it will be at your peril come November 2nd, 2010.
I don't doubt that Obamacare supporters want what is best for the country. But what I doubt is their willingness to accept defeat. If they were smart, they would scrap these bills, and start working on reforms on a bipartisan basis.
And for those who say Republicans have no ideas, why then didn't the Administration put in small language on a few Republican backed ideas into their 2,700 page bill. This would include any kind of Tort Reform, ability to buy across state lines, to have drugs imported from Canada, medical tax credits (as proposed by McCain in the 08 campaign). If they wanted bipartisanship, they would accept any of these solid legislative options. Instead, they want to just crow how the Republicans are the party of "no" and that they have no ideas of their own.
Final question-- How many times does the American public have to reject legislation before an Administration gives up on it, or at least agrees to start over??