The new book, Game Change, reports many of the happenings during the lead up to the 2008 presidential election. Two of the things that were said:
Harry Reid (D) Senate Majority Leader: Said Obama had a good chance of winning because he is light skinned, and doesn't have the negro dialect, unless he wants to use it. Now I think the comments do afford an apology, but that they were not necessarily racist comments. What I do have a problem with is how there is a double-standard in our politics when it comes to race. Imagine if Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R) said this?? Heads would have rolled, as in McConnell's head..... from the media and blacks around the country. It's hypocrisy 101.
Also, Bill Clinton, trying to sway Ted Kennedy into backing Hillary, said that a few years ago Obama would be fetching coffee for us. Again, stupid comments, inappropriate.
My problem with these two examples-- One, that there is a double standard; and two, that the media doesn't give it it's press time. Case in point, in the 60 Minutes special last night on this new book, both of these stories (probably the biggest stories of the book) were not even mentioned. This, while the McCain advisor v. Palin feud was dissected for about 10 minutes.
So very annoying!!!