First off, I believe anybody should have the right to second chances, whether it be drug usage or abuse, alcohol usage or abuse, or even extra-marital sexual affairs. As long as the candidate feels contrite and asks for repentance, I feel fine about it.
As I was trying to go to sleep last night after a tiring basketball game, I was thinking about this. It was such a big deal that Bill Clinton used to smoke pot by the media. And it was even more of a big deal that George Bush was a heavy drinker, and even had a DUI during those campaigns. The media latched onto these stories like no other. Admittedly, Bush's crime was looked at much further of an offense to society, than Clinton's. Can you smell a liberal media people? Anyway, this brings me to the question at hand:
Why was it barely discussed about Obama's extensive drug usage as he was growing up? You can't tell me that snorting cocaine shouldn't be a sexy story, no matter who the politician is. The fact is, the mainstream media was so enamored by Obama, that they thought he couldn't do any wrong.
Once again, as long as he's remorseful for these past activities, I don't think it should be a big story, or even a disqualifier. I just was wondering about lack of coverage it received.