Citizens United vs. FEC, the Court found unconstitutional provisions in the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act that prevented corporate and labor union money from funding some kinds of political communication. Under the ruling these groups may now fund political advertisements out of their general treasuries.
The decision overturns Austin vs. Michigan Chamber of Commerce and part of McConnell vs. FEC, which separated individual and collective campaign contributions into two legal classes and restricted the latter. But it upholds restrictions on direct contributions by corporate bodies to candidates, as well as requirements that the funding sources of political advertisements be disclosed to the public.
Obama on the ruling: “The Supreme Court has given green light to a new stampede of special interest money in our politics...... major victory for big oil, wall street banks, and special interests."
Not to be repetitive in my analysis, but does this president have ANY room to speak on this topic without sounding, ummmm, hypocritical??
After all, it was Obama who received the largest amount of "special interest" money by ANY presidential candidate in history. This of course was led by the Democrats favorite entity, the trial Lawyers. In addition, the pro-abortion industry was very high on this list as well. So Obama has the audacity to ridicule big oil, but "forgets" to mention the power that these left wing entities provide. In other words, in Obama's world if an entity is helpful to his cause, they aren't "evil". And speaking of Wall St., wasn't it Obama who received roughly 78% of campaign donations from Wall St? Talking about biting the fingers that pay you.
Finally, and probably the most hypocritical thing of all--- During the '08 campaign, Obama pledged to take public money and not private money. He lied about this. He denied public financing so he could build up a campaign war chest that nobody in history has rivaled. To put this in perspective, he raised more money than Bush and Kerry COMBINED in 2004.
Another finally-- How tacky was it to lambast the Supreme Court decision in during the State of the Union. Camera's caught Conservative Justice mouthing "That's not true" when Obama was talking incorrectly about the decision. GOOD FOR ALITO!! I would think that Sam Alito would have a hair more knowledge about law than Obama does.