Man Mr. Edwards, and to think, we could have had you as V.P. if the Frenchman, errr, Mr. Kerry would have been elected POTUS.
Talk about the sleezeball of the decade award. That should go to John Edwards. It's not just that his wife had found out her incurable cancer had come back, or that he was running in the Democrat primary's for President, or that he has two young kids. Yes, those are offensive crimes to everyone who is involved (including those he guilted into voting for him in Iowa, New Hampshire, etc.). But Edwards finally admits, after months of speculation that he has a love child with the woman he had an affair with for over a year, Rielle Hunter.
To add insult to injury, Edwards threw one of his staffers under the bus by telling him to claim to be the father of the baby. He also claimed that the affair was over at the time of the conception. Thus eliminating him as the potential father.
I know sins are committed, and that we serve a forgiving Lord. I sure hope Edwards does. He took literally millions of people through the ringer on this one. What a scumbag!