Scott Brown wins the senate seat to succeed the late Ted Kennedy. This is shocking, being that a Republican has not won a senate seat in Massachusetts since 1972. It's shocking because just a year ago, Obama won the state by 26 points. It's shocking because Democrats outnumber Republicans in the state by over a 3-1 margin.
It's not shocking because Obama's policies in the state are incredibly unpopular. This is on a whole range of issues, including debt, economy as a whole, Healthcare, etc. It's not shocking because Brown ran a masterful campaign that will be studied about for a long time to come. It's not shocking because Martha Coakley, the defeated Democrat, ran a miserably campaign,
It's ironic because Brown promised to be the 41st vote against Obamacare, thus killing a filibuster proof senate of 60 Democrat votes. The whole irony is because Kennedy's lifelong dream of universal healthcare was on the cusp of being delivered, but his replacement is the one that will tear this unmet dream into pieces.