Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Another Obama hypocrisy alert

Obama is being rather hypocritical on allowing the houses of congress time to read the bills:

  • On the stimulus, Obama said to congress that we HAVE to vote and sign this bill into law immediately. Republicans wanted time to read the over 1,400 page bill, but Obama and liberals accused Republicans of stalling a much needed bill.
  • On the Cap and Trade bill, Obama and Dems again didn't allow this bill to be debated, as Reid and Pelosi and their majorities shot this idea down.
  • On the health care reform, Obama said the time for talking is over and the time for passing a bill is "now".
Now look back in 2004, what Obama complained about not having the time to go through a bill:

Obama, Nov 20, 2004: "When you rush these budgets that are a foot high and nobody has any idea what's in them and nobody has read them...... And it gets rushed through without any clear deliberation or debate then these kinds of things happen. And I think that this is in some ways what happened to the Patriot Act. I mean you remember that there was no real debate about that. It was so quick after 9/11 that it was introduced that people felt very intimidated by the administration. "

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Sotomayor hearings

The hypocrisy that Democrats have regarding Supreme Court nominees is astounding. Let's look at some history:

  • ACLU attorney and noted left wing radical Ruth Bader Ginsburg won confirmation on a 96-3 vote. This despite her being on the fringe left of our country. Nonetheless, Republicans voted for her, not because of her ideology, but her qualifications.
  • Breyer, another Clinton appointment, won easy confirmation 87-9 vote.
  • After these confirmations, Ginsburg noted how fair and civil Republicans were in the process.
  • Sotomayor, same thing. There are idealogical differences, but Republicans have promised to be civil, which they have, and for a quick vote, which will come in August.

Now let's take a history lesson back in time:

  • Robert Bork. A well qualified appointment by Reagan, was raked over the coals. Within hours of his nomination, Ted Kennedy said that in Bork's world, back alley abortions would be taken place, there would be segregation in our schools, etc... This is coming from a man who drunkenly KILLED a woman by driving his car off into a lake and then running from the scene of the crime. Kennedy is a first rate asshole, always has been.
  • Miguel Estrada- Sen. Leahy lied when telling the court this past week that they were the ones who gave Estrada a hearing, and Republicans refused... Little did he mention, Republicans were in majority for 13 days (timeline in 20001 when Sen. Jeffords was a Republican and his switch to caucus with the Dems) and did not have a chance to bring Estrada to hearings in that short span. And Democrats kept his appointment stalled for 480 days before filibustering his appointment.... Finally, in frustration, Estrada withdrew his name. And reports became public that Democrats had memos out to try to stall the nomination because they didn't want a Latino Republican in such a high place on the courts, which could eventually turned into a Supreme Court appointment.
  • Sam Alito- Well qualified conservative jurist. No skeletons in his closet. Well recommended by all, including the ABA. Yet, he only won passage by a 58-42 vote. Yet he endured taunts by Democrat Senators saying he's a bigot.
  • John Roberts- One of the best legal minds around, observed by liberals and conservatives alike, won passage 78-22. Our dear president voted against him on idealogical grounds. This is a new one.. that senators would vote on these grounds.. Unprecendented and frankly, shameful by Obama. Now Obama says follow what I say not what I done.

Thoughts on government run health care

I wouldn't have to be a conservative to see the massive holes in the government trying to run health care, having a one pay system, or whatever they're trying to construct. Here's some loose thoughts and facts:

  • The Congressional Budget office and its director said the House's plan would add over 230 Billion the federal budget over 10 years. This despite the president saying no debt would be added.
  • The idea of adding a 5.4% surtax to the rich. Talk about a Robinhood society. I don't care how much people make, why should they be punished for success? When does it stop?
  • Small businesses will be raked over the coals with penalties if all of their employees are not ensured. This countries personal freedoms are flying out the window. Now the government gets to control a small businesses benefits plans? Geesh!
  • Politicians have the right to opt out of the single payer system. Wonder why? It's good enough for the masses, but not for them. The fact is, our country has far superior health care than any country in the world. Facts can be stubborn.
  • Medicare would be rationed, at what point is unknown. Although the Democrat House, Senate, and the Obama Admin. has admitted in some form Medicare would be decreased.
  • Overall rationing of coverage. If, for instance, an 80 year old woman needs a hip replaced, there is plenty of evidence to support she may be denied in her circumstances.
  • The mortality rates in Canada are higher than the US. This, with "free" healthcare.
  • Of those that Obama say can stay on their current plan, over 80 Million Americans will be taken off their current plan and replaced by the government plan. These were estimates made by two non-partisan groups, who said this many employers would dump the coverage of their employees.
  • Abortions- At this point, the administration said government funded abortions would be neutral. This means they most likely will be included in our taxes for government run health care. So despite those of us who see abortion as the taking of ones life, we still have to fund this act with our tax money.
  • The majority of Americans now disagree with Obama on government run health care! We conservatives knew it would only take time. Once the facts are out about what it actually is, people will decide decisively against it. Of course everyone wants everybody to be covered, but this is NOT the way to do it. The more control government has, the worse anything becomes.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Poll nuggets

Here are some poll numbers that might inspire a conservative:

  • Obama's Presidential index is still hovering in the -7 to -8 range, which means more people strongly disapprove of him.
  • Universal Health Care has more people believing it's bad policy, than good: 49-46%.
  • Virginia Governor: (R) Bob McConnell leads the Democrat in every poll now.
  • New Jersey Governor: (R) Chris Christie leads Corzine by an average of 12 points.
  • Republicans are now trusted more than Democrats on 8 of the top 10 issues.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Abortion promise

Here's the minority whip, Eric Cantor, in response to Obama's visit to the pope:

"On Friday, President Obama repeated his pledge to try to reduce the numbers of abortions in America, this time to the pope. I hope this time, the president is willing to follow his pledge with direct action. If he is serious about reducing the number of abortions in our country, President Obama should not force taxpayers and private insurance companies to fund them. Abortion groups themselves have made clear that more funding leads to more abortions. I hope that his statement to the pope is evidence that President Obama is willing to join Republicans and Democrats who have expressed their firm commitment to exclude abortion from any health-care plan that moves forward."

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Presidential Approval Index

Here's an interesting trend that's taking place:

Just six months into his presidency, Obama's Approval index is souring quickly.

This rating shows those who strongly approve and those who strongly disapprove of his performance.

This week according to Rasmussen, 38% strongly disapprove of his performance, while 30% strongly approve.

This -8% number is not good, especially so early into a presidential term.