Thursday, January 28, 2010

Drug and alcohol usage for a President

First off, I believe anybody should have the right to second chances, whether it be drug usage or abuse, alcohol usage or abuse, or even extra-marital sexual affairs. As long as the candidate feels contrite and asks for repentance, I feel fine about it.

As I was trying to go to sleep last night after a tiring basketball game, I was thinking about this. It was such a big deal that Bill Clinton used to smoke pot by the media. And it was even more of a big deal that George Bush was a heavy drinker, and even had a DUI during those campaigns. The media latched onto these stories like no other. Admittedly, Bush's crime was looked at much further of an offense to society, than Clinton's. Can you smell a liberal media people? Anyway, this brings me to the question at hand:

Why was it barely discussed about Obama's extensive drug usage as he was growing up? You can't tell me that snorting cocaine shouldn't be a sexy story, no matter who the politician is. The fact is, the mainstream media was so enamored by Obama, that they thought he couldn't do any wrong.

Once again, as long as he's remorseful for these past activities, I don't think it should be a big story, or even a disqualifier. I just was wondering about lack of coverage it received.

Campaign Finance

The Supreme Court's 5-4 decision on Campaign Finance:

Citizens United vs. FEC
, the Court found unconstitutional provisions in the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act that prevented corporate and labor union money from funding some kinds of political communication. Under the ruling these groups may now fund political advertisements out of their general treasuries.

The decision overturns Austin vs. Michigan Chamber of Commerce and part of McConnell vs. FEC, which separated individual and collective campaign contributions into two legal classes and restricted the latter. But it upholds restrictions on direct contributions by corporate bodies to candidates, as well as requirements that the funding sources of political advertisements be disclosed to the public.

Obama on the ruling: “The Supreme Court has given green light to a new stampede of special interest money in our politics...... major victory for big oil, wall street banks, and special interests."

Not to be repetitive in my analysis, but does this president have ANY room to speak on this topic without sounding, ummmm, hypocritical??

After all, it was Obama who received the largest amount of "special interest" money by ANY presidential candidate in history. This of course was led by the Democrats favorite entity, the trial Lawyers. In addition, the pro-abortion industry was very high on this list as well. So Obama has the audacity to ridicule big oil, but "forgets" to mention the power that these left wing entities provide. In other words, in Obama's world if an entity is helpful to his cause, they aren't "evil". And speaking of Wall St., wasn't it Obama who received roughly 78% of campaign donations from Wall St? Talking about biting the fingers that pay you.

Finally, and probably the most hypocritical thing of all--- During the '08 campaign, Obama pledged to take public money and not private money. He lied about this. He denied public financing so he could build up a campaign war chest that nobody in history has rivaled. To put this in perspective, he raised more money than Bush and Kerry COMBINED in 2004.

Another finally-- How tacky was it to lambast the Supreme Court decision in during the State of the Union. Camera's caught Conservative Justice mouthing "That's not true" when Obama was talking incorrectly about the decision. GOOD FOR ALITO!! I would think that Sam Alito would have a hair more knowledge about law than Obama does.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Our Narcissistic President

Here is the Mirriams Dictionary's definition of narcissism:

inordinate fascination with oneself; excessive self-love; vanity.
erotic gratification derived from admiration of one's own physical or mental attributes, being a normal condition at the infantile level of personality development.

Obama really has this down to a "T". Outgoing Democrat Congressman Marion Berry, who worries the direction Obama is taking the country, received this retort from Obama: "The big difference between 1994 and 2010 is ME." Of course, 1994 is the year of the Republican wipeout of Democrats. In essence, Obama is taking a jab at former President Clinton.

Dr. Sam Vaknin, the author of the Malignant Self Love, one of the foremost researchers on narcissism, believes Obama fits this criteria.

This, to go along with other another such doozie Obama has made:

"I am the change that our country has been waiting for!"


Friday, January 22, 2010

Obama's bank tax populism

When election time hits, pollsters always say "populism sells". Well, this is what Obama is doing. He's asking if "we are on the side of the Wall St. Fat cats, or on the side of the people?" Well, in digging deep, the top 8 political figures that are supported by banks (Goldman Sachs, Citi, etc.) are Democrats. And going back to 2008, Obama destroyed a record of getting almost 1 Million dollars of hard money from personal bank donors. In addition, those who helped craft the Bush/Democrat TARP bill in late 08 were Ben Bernanke and Tim Geithner. Obama backs both of them.

So before Obama wants to continue to spout of for "the little guy", just take a look at who he gets his dough from.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

John Edwards, wow!

Man Mr. Edwards, and to think, we could have had you as V.P. if the Frenchman, errr, Mr. Kerry would have been elected POTUS.

Talk about the sleezeball of the decade award. That should go to John Edwards. It's not just that his wife had found out her incurable cancer had come back, or that he was running in the Democrat primary's for President, or that he has two young kids. Yes, those are offensive crimes to everyone who is involved (including those he guilted into voting for him in Iowa, New Hampshire, etc.). But Edwards finally admits, after months of speculation that he has a love child with the woman he had an affair with for over a year, Rielle Hunter.

To add insult to injury, Edwards threw one of his staffers under the bus by telling him to claim to be the father of the baby. He also claimed that the affair was over at the time of the conception. Thus eliminating him as the potential father.

I know sins are committed, and that we serve a forgiving Lord. I sure hope Edwards does. He took literally millions of people through the ringer on this one. What a scumbag!

Obama's slash and burn strategy on McCain-Feingold

Here's what realclearpolitics said on the Supreme Court ruling of McCain/Feingold:

A strong statement from President Obama on today's Supreme Court ruling that frees corporations to spend unlimited sums on political campaigns:

With its ruling today, the Supreme Court has given a green light to a new stampede of special interest money in our politics. It is a major victory for big oil, Wall Street banks, health insurance companies and the other powerful interests that marshal their power every day in Washington to drown out the voices of everyday Americans. This ruling gives the special interests and their lobbyists even more power in Washington--while undermining the influence of average Americans who make small contributions to support their preferred candidates. That's why I am instructing my Administration to get to work immediately with Congress on this issue. We are going to talk with bipartisan Congressional leaders to develop a forceful response to this decision. The public interest requires nothing less.

It's worth noting, of course, that as a candidate Obama broke a pledge to stay within the matching funds program for presidential candidates. Sen. John McCain (R) had this warning when he made that decision:

“Barack Obama is now the first presidential candidate since Watergate to run a campaign entirely on private funds. This decision will have far-reaching and extraordinary consequences that will weaken and undermine the public financing system.”

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Scott Brown's quote on terrorism

This quote should be repeated over and over, until this administration and the media understand this point. Here's what Brown said in his victory speech:

" Our taxes should be used to buy the weapons to stop the terrorists, not to fund the terrorists' lawyers."

Scott Brown wins in Massachusetts

Scott Brown wins the senate seat to succeed the late Ted Kennedy. This is shocking, being that a Republican has not won a senate seat in Massachusetts since 1972. It's shocking because just a year ago, Obama won the state by 26 points. It's shocking because Democrats outnumber Republicans in the state by over a 3-1 margin.

It's not shocking because Obama's policies in the state are incredibly unpopular. This is on a whole range of issues, including debt, economy as a whole, Healthcare, etc. It's not shocking because Brown ran a masterful campaign that will be studied about for a long time to come. It's not shocking because Martha Coakley, the defeated Democrat, ran a miserably campaign,

It's ironic because Brown promised to be the 41st vote against Obamacare, thus killing a filibuster proof senate of 60 Democrat votes. The whole irony is because Kennedy's lifelong dream of universal healthcare was on the cusp of being delivered, but his replacement is the one that will tear this unmet dream into pieces.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Obama's continued failures

Read this for a fair, honest assessment of Obama's first year. It's harsh, fair, and to the point. It is not partisan, just lays out the facts.

Healthcare payoffs

Nobody ever said the game of politics wasn't full of lies, deceit, and basically doing anything to "get the job done". When Obama ran his 2008 campaign he promised to change the way politics was done in Washington. Regarding the healthcare debate, let's go over a few things that would clearly (even as a liberal supporter) not be included as "change". In fact, I would argue that it is Chicago "machine thug politics" at its worst. Here's a few samples:
  • Allowing the payoff of hundreds of millions to Louisiana to pay off skeptical Democrat Senator Mary Landreau. This is known as the "Louisiana Purchase"
  • Allowing the payoff of hundreds of millions to Nebraska to pay off skeptical Democrat Ben Nelson. This would allow citizens of Nebraska not to have to pay for Medicare Advantage for the next 10 years. Instead, the rest of the country would pay for it. This is called the "Cornhusker Kickback".
  • Allowing the "Cadillac Tax" NOT be payed by Union members. Since the unions are one of Obama's (and Democrats) largest supporters, Obama accepted this deal. So those of us who are not union members and have the "Cadillac" insurance plans, have to pay this tax, but Obama's friends do not for I believe 8 or 10 years. NICE!!!
  • As mentioned at length in previous posts, Obama PROMISED to put the healthcare debates on CSPAN 8 times during the campaign. Not only has this not happened, but the Democrats have denied the usual committee conference that debates any legislation.
  • Obama promised to allow bi-partisan debate, although none of the Republican ideas have been included in the bills. This includes tight restrictions on no federal funds for abortion, the possibility of drugs imported from Canada, being able to get insurance across state lines, tort reform, etc.
Didn't Obama eschew Bush for not getting bipartisan, if not consensus from the majority of the country on any one issue? If you look at ANY of Bush's big bills during his 8 years, he had a good amount of bipartisan support on these issues. This includes both wars (Iraq, Afghanistan), Tax Cuts in 01 and 03, No Child Left Behind, etc. Obama has ZERO support from Republicans and the public now disapproves this on average of 55-39%.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Massachusetts-- Vote Scott Brown

In a special election to fill Senator Ted Kennedy's Senate seat, it was expected to be a ho-hum yawner. This being the Democrat is "supposed" to win every congressional or senate seat without trying. After all, Democrats out-register Republicans by a 37-11 margin. However, there are many more Independents than Democrats in the state. It's a stone-cold fact that all Mass. residents have a negative feeling towards Obama-care. 60% believe costs will go up, while 51% disapprove with Obama-care. Here are several more reasons as to why Brown is leading in three of the last four polls in the state:
  • By a three to one margin, Independents are going the Republican Brown's way.
  • As mentioned above, the majority are against Obama-care. Coakley has vowed to support; Brown has vowed to oppose.
  • Brown is the 41st vote in the Senate, meaning it would stop the ever-unpopular Obama-care.
  • Brown has run a great campaign, no matter what your affiliation, and Coakley has run a terrible campaign.

Here are a few doozies from the Coakley campaign to back up the charge that she is running terribly:

  • Went to Washington to raise money from Big PhFMA and Washington insiders for her campaign, while Brown stumped in his home state.
  • Democrats have placed an ad saying Brown doesn't want to help rape victims in Mass. because he supports the right for pro-life emergency workers to be replaced if an abortion is taking place.
  • Called Red Sox hero Curt Schilling a Yankee fan. Umm, is she from this planet?
  • When a Coakley staffer pushed down a conservative reporter, she denied seeing it, even though youtube has her staring at the incident.
  • Coakley believes Catholics probably shouldn't be working in emergency rooms because of their moral beliefs.
  • Coakley misspelled her home state in an attack ad on Brown.. Another oops!!!

All I can say is, down goes Coakley!!! Can't wait for this Tuesday.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Book- Game Change

The new book, Game Change, reports many of the happenings during the lead up to the 2008 presidential election. Two of the things that were said:

Harry Reid (D) Senate Majority Leader: Said Obama had a good chance of winning because he is light skinned, and doesn't have the negro dialect, unless he wants to use it. Now I think the comments do afford an apology, but that they were not necessarily racist comments. What I do have a problem with is how there is a double-standard in our politics when it comes to race. Imagine if Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R) said this?? Heads would have rolled, as in McConnell's head..... from the media and blacks around the country. It's hypocrisy 101.

Also, Bill Clinton, trying to sway Ted Kennedy into backing Hillary, said that a few years ago Obama would be fetching coffee for us. Again, stupid comments, inappropriate.

My problem with these two examples-- One, that there is a double standard; and two, that the media doesn't give it it's press time. Case in point, in the 60 Minutes special last night on this new book, both of these stories (probably the biggest stories of the book) were not even mentioned. This, while the McCain advisor v. Palin feud was dissected for about 10 minutes.

So very annoying!!!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Obama lies about having CSPAN debated on HC

Now I know that campaigning for President and actually governing are very different, but Obama is starting to be held accountable for now following through. On 8 separate occasions, Obama said during the campaign that the healthcare debate would be on CSPAN, so the public would know where everybody stands, what concessions are being made, etc.

Now that the public has such little support over Obamacare, there has been ZERO TV coverage. In fact, the Democrats and the administration haven't even allowed it to go to conference for debate. In other words, the Democrat leadership (Durbin, Reid, Emmanuel, Pelosi) are meeting in private rooms, hashing out the final bill.

Also, didn't Obama promise to be a uniter? He has ZERO bipartisan support for this bill. ZERO!! Comparison sake-- On any decent or big bill W. had in the last 8 years, (tax cuts, No Child Left Behind, Iraq War), he had more than 10 Democrat Senators on board for each.

Finally, Obama complained during the campaign that Bush had bills that were voted on, and didn't allow enough time for debate. Mr. Pot, meet Mr. Kettle. Obama is the hypocrite of all hypocrites. As mentioned above, there has been no floor debate on this in the Senate.

One other thing-- Even a few Democrat Senators (Nelson, Landreau) weren't liking this bill. That is until they whored themselves out for special things for their states. For instance, Nelson got Nebraska 100 Million in payments the rest of the country, not Nebraska will have to pay for in Medicare for Cornhusker citizens. It may sound good for his state, but they rejected it. By over 2 to 1, they oppose it, and now Nelson. By the way, Nelson is a dead man walking when his term is due in 2010.

Obama response to underwear bombing

This is getting ridiculous. This administration is totally inept as far as the failed attempted bombing on Christmas day. What we need is strength, resolve, leadership, truthfulness, and accountability after tragedies, or near misses of attack on our country. This is the reason why, love him or hate him, the country responded so well to W. Bush. He was able to show strong resolve, and most importantly, great leadership after 9/11. Here are a few things in which the Obama administration fell way short of what it needed to do:
  • Michael Leiter, Director of the National CounterTerrorism Center, who basically is the man needed for terrorism strikes on our country, decided to stay on the ski slopes for several days after the failed attack.
  • John Brennan, Deputy National Security Advisor to Obama- He said there was "no smoking gun" to know of the bombers intentions. Umm, excuse me? How about the bombers own dad saying his son told him that day over the phone this would be his last contact with his dad. to contact This made his dad contact Nigerian intelligence, fearing that his son might be planning a suicide mission in Yemen. The Nigerian officials brought Mutallab directly to the CIA station chief in Abuja Nov. 19. The next day the embassy sent out a thin report to U.S. embassies around the world warning Adbulmutallab may be associating with extremists in Yemen. He also left Amsterdam with no luggage to the US. In addition, he came to the US with his own name. How could this not have been caught??
  • Janet Napolitano, Homeland Security Advisor- She said the system "absolutely worked". After getting hammered from the left and right, she offered a mea culpa the next day, although her words were less than convincing.
  • The Administration to allow the underwear bomber a US attorney. Absolutely breathtaking. Instead of trying him under the CONSTITUTIONAL Military Tribunal, where we could interrogate him, we allow him a US attorney. Of course at this point of him lawyering up, he stopped talking. And there was evidence that before getting an attorney afforded to him by the Obama Admin, he was singing like a canary, giving up valuable intelligent information.
  • Obama- On December 28th, Obama said this was an "isolated event". Sometimes this guy talks out of his ass, think the Harvard Professor friend of Obama getting arrested a few months back and Obama wrongly saying the cops were in the wrong. Anyway, Obama had to backtrack on those words, now that we know it was al-qaeda. This is a damning pattern. He assumes the best out of everyone, which includes the bad guys. This president has to be worse than Jimmy Carter, and that's saying something.

Monday, January 4, 2010

2010- The year of the Elephant

After going through a couple very agonizing elections in 2006 and 2008, the Republican party looks to rebound in a big way in the 2010 elections. As history tells us throughout our history, the midterm elections usually are favorable to the party out of party. Being that the Democrats hold the WH, House of Representatives, and Senate, Republicans have history on its side. And when you include a president that has lost a ton of popularity, this adds to the Democrats conundrum.

Many of my earlier posts have described in detail the unpopular state of the larger Democrat bills in 2009. This includes the Healthcare monstrosity, Cap and Trade (currently has stalled in the Senate), and the stimulus package.