Monday, June 28, 2010

Joe Biden is a smart ass

As everybody knows, Joe Biden is not the most eloquent person in the world. But sometimes this guy is really amazing with some of his quotes. In a Wisconsin custard shop, he asked where the ice cream is... After that, he asked the store owner how much he owed for the custard. The owner responded by saying he'd like his taxes to be lower (typical response politicians receive from businesses, mostly tongue in cheek). When Biden heard this, he didn't respond, look annoyed, and walked away. Later in private, he told the store owner why he had to be a smart ass for making that comment?

Ummm, excuse me?? A business owner is a "smart ass" for asking for his taxes to be lower?? All of the egg will be on Biden's face for taking lightly what people in this country are demanding. What they are demanding is the government to get out of the way of the people!

Friday, June 25, 2010

The Harry Reid Brood

Harry Reid, already looked at as a weasel by most in the country (and his state), is dragging his son down as well. Rory Reid, who is running for Nevada Governor, trails Republican Brian Sandoval by 22 points in the race. Reid, who can't distance himself from his dad fast enough, has dropped his last name from his most recent advertising. As if the state won't realize he isn't related (or associated) with his dad. Speaking of, the Senate Majority Leader is still politically crippled. Despite having a huge war chest, he still trails Republican upstart Sharron Angle by 7 points in the race for Nevada Senate in November.

There's no doubt that taking down Harry Reid would be the trophy win of this election cycle for the GOP, ala Tom Daschle in 2004. Let's hope!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Democrat article on Obama

Here's a great article on Obama's naive foreign policy stances by a lifelong liberal Democrat from New York, Mort Zuckerman. Great read:

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Oil spill and agenda

A few things to note as we are on day 58 of the BP oil spill:

  1. Obama gave his first Oval Office address last night, with underwhelming results. Chris Matthews and Obama lapdog Olbermann both thought he didn't show executive command. Other commentators said it was dry and too little, too late.
  2. He is trotting out the Climate bill "Cap and Tax" now, which is hugely unpopular. Never let a crisis go to waste, right Obama?
  3. He's putting a moratorium on drilling for the next six months in the gulf. Wonder how many thousands of jobs that will lose?
  4. His approval rating is at 42 percent....and 44 percent now have a "strong" disapproval of Obama.
  5. The New York Times came out with an exhaustive story the other day about how badly managed the cleanup has been.
  6. Louisianan's think Bush handled Katrina better than Obama is handling the oil spill, by a 15 point margin in the poll.
With all that being said, I hope Obama stops being so preachy about how government can solve and handle everything with such precision. This is the latest example that they can't. I don't cast as much blame on Obama as many fellow conservatives will, being that it's a disaster unlike any other. But I do challenge him on saying how poorly Bush did, while most think he's done worse. So far, he hasn't admitted any federal failings... We'll see..

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Obama cannot lead

Barack Obama, the cool Harvard Law Grad and former community agitator-- oh, I mean organizer, simply does not know how to lead. It's pretty difficult to turn somebody who is not a leader, into one. Of course, we know that the President of the United States HAS to be a leader. Case in point, whenever there is a difficult situation Obama has to handle, he blames others for the problem, instead of figuring out a way to lead his country out of the mess. His blaming of President Bush is becoming very tiresome. This is true with the BP oil spill (the well was approved by Obama's admin no less than 10 days before the spill) where Obama blamed the Bush Admins lack of regulations. But I do have to ask, if Bush had lax regulations, don't you think over the past year and a half Obama would have addressed this? Anyway, that is just a tired old talking point.

I was reading an article in the LA Times, one of the most liberal papers in the country. The article talked about Obama blaming Bush for bad regulations that may have caused the spill. When reading the reader comments at the end of the article, no less than 65 of the 67 comments were about how Obama cannot take responsibility, and cannot blame somebody else for a problems that the country elected him President to solve. So if 65 of 67 comments are anti-Obama in the LAT, what does that tell you? Maybe nothing, but it does show that people are getting sick and tired of Obama's act.