Friday, March 20, 2009

Long list of 'oops' for Obama

  • Insulting President Reagan and his Alzeheimers disease. Had to apologize to Nancy.
  • Making fun of the Special Olympics. Had to apologize.
  • Nominating tax cheats up the kazoo and defending them.... Daschle, Geithner, etc.
  • Said he won't sign a budget with excess pork, but just signed one with over 9,000 earmarks.
  • Nominates an Attorney General who calls us a "Nation of cowards" on race relations. He has to apologize.
  • Hi VP makes fun of the Supreme Court Chief Justice. Obama has to apologize.
  • His Commerce secretary is in a scandal play for pay. Has to withdraw.
  • Says he didn't draw up the AIG bonus mess and not to blame him... The next day, he says "the buck stops with me". Which is it Obama?
  • His Treasury Secretary DID help draw up the AIG bonuses after denying that he knew about it, and Democrat Dodd put the amendment into the bill.
  • His economic adviser said the "fundamentals of the economy are sound". Isn't this what Obama railed on McCain for saying during the campaign? Of course, McCain said this when the unemployment was 6.2% and the Dow was at 11,000. The Obama team said this with unemployment almost 9% and the Dow around 7,000.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Charitable thing to do

The soaring rhetoric is so often dispelled by Obama's actions. Take the charitable giving thing for instance. Obama cries that our country needs to give more. Alright, fair enough. But if you look deeper, here are some inconvenient facts:

Charitable giving for 2005: Obama made 1.7 million, Bush made $735,000. They gave the same amount to charity.

Charitable giving for 2006: Obama made 3x more than Bush, yet Bush gave more to charity than did Obama.

For both years, the Obama's gave 5.8 and 6.1 to charity. During 8 years of his presidency, Bush gave over 10%.

Even worse, the Biden's gave .15 and .31 percent to charity these same years.

Democrats can claim they care more about the poor, but they sure don't put their money where their mouths are.

I'm not judging what one seems to give, I'm just pointing out the liberal mantra's hypocrisy on the issue when their "leaders" show such a weak leadership in this area.

As one liberal stated famously..... "I'm afraid you've got it wrong. (We) are socialists. We don't pretend to be Christians."

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Water the lawn, Obama?

The house is on fire!!!! And what does the Obama administration do? They water the lawn!

This is basically what they are proposing in the 2010 budget. They are looking at energy (taxing cap and trade), investing with unions in more education and less chance for school vouchers, and starting the god awful universal healthcare... And yet, absolutely no focus is on the revocovering the economy in the omnibus spending, or the 2010 budget.... And very little attention in the "stimilus" package.

"Never waste the opportunity of a great crisis." That is what the chief of staff for Obama said after the election. That statement says, in spades, how they want to transform our country into Western Europe. This is of course, allowing government to have more affect on our lives, and the private sector have even less.

1. Cap and trade: Obama argues this is part of his plan to change our energy policy. However, all this does is put more money out of the hands of the private sector (small businesses, consumers), and into the hands of the government. This will allow Obama to spend the planned profits on more energy efficient automobiles. And all the while, saving Mother Earth. Pardon me, but all of the global warming conspiracies have been put to bed in my mind. This is basically a religion, not a science. When just as many (probably more) experts in this field have debunked how man has made Earth significantly warmer, this hardly reasons as science. Instead, Al Gore and his Hollywood buddies are just raising millions of dollars for a cause they want to promote.

The fact is, they predicted in 1998 that Earth would become much warmer in the next decade. Well, in fact the Earth has cooled over the past decade. All data points to the ebbs and flows in our climate. This hasn't changed.

2. Education: Reasonable minded people can disagree on how education should be spent. However, isn't it the liberals who say that "choice" is the answer? Well, not so much when it comes to education. The words "school choice" is a potty word in liberal circles. The fact of the matter in politics is you don't want to bite the hand that feeds you. And the education unions are a mighty force in liberal circles. Therefore, giving the opportunity for a parent to send their child to a private school, home school, or take advantage of a school voucher is nothing short of a sin to these liberal thinkers.

Imagine- You live in Washington DC, and you want to send your child to a better school, knowing the public schools are bad. W. Bush upped the ante with school vouchers, so these parents who are making around the levels of the poverty line, can send there kids to a better school. And now that a liberal is in the White House? These vouchers in DC are being taken away in high numbers.

3. Healthcare: I don't care what you do with it, put lipstick on it, perfume on it, whatever.. It will still look and smell like a pig. This is government run healthcare. Why on Earth in a time of financial crisis would a government spring one of the biggest social engineering programs on a country? Especially one that the public has chewed and spit out before (Clinton's failed universal healthcare reform circa 1993)? The fact is, if this was something that was so great and had no real issues with it, wouldn't most of Europe and Russia have a consistently thriving economy? The fact is, when you are forced to pay upwards of 50% in taxes for such programs, it will always lead to a depressed economy.

Of course everybody wants people to be covered in healthcare. But to think to trust a government bureacracy to handle this successfully is insane. Look what's happened to Medicare, to Medicaid, to Social Security?? Are these government programs going honky-dory? Nope. They are all on the verge of going under. The fact is, the less control government has on things, the better. Their job is to oversee the private sector in a free market. Instead, they are wanting control over it.

Wouldn't a better alternative be adding health vouchers, as McCain proposed? This would allow a family of 4 to take the proposed 5K, and shop for their own insurance. This would not only allow the free markets to battle for your business with lower costs, it would also keep the decisions where they should be in healthcare, to the family.

One thing is ironic about the healthcare issue: Isn't it interesting how liberals want the government to have full intrusion and control over healthcare, except for when a woman is pregnant? And social conservatives want families to be able to make their healthcare choices..... except for wanting government to protect the life of the unborn? Sorry liberals, but I choose the side of the unborn over abortion!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Stem Cell Ethics

Here is another great article, showing Obama's lack of depth on this issue. This is coming from a real pro in this arena, who happens to believe that more stem cell lines should be produced. However, he points out Obama's very, shall we say morally-questionable defense.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Bizarre speech to joint sessions

Barack Hussein Obama just flat out pisses me off sometimes. Well, most of the time. He constantly speaks about political civility out of one side of his mouth, while demonizing his opponents out of the other side of his mouth.

Now let's take his speech to the joint congress a couple weeks ago. He stated the need for massive government spending. He says he's not for huge government out of one side of his mouth and attacks those who accuse him of this. Then he goes on saying we need a 3.4 trillion dollar budget, deficits higher than the mind can fathom. And, and, he says the way to get out of our mess is to invest heavily in healthcare reform (ie-universal healthcare), education, and energy. No, sorry Obama, those will NOT help an ailing economy. That will help an ultra liberal agenda that wants the government to take more and more control of our daily lives.

At least admit what you're trying to do, don't camoflauge it around a whole bunch of B.S. you've grown accustomed to spewing.

Stem Cell Research

I'm not posting this link for the fight on stem cell research, it's more of the way Obama goes about forming an argument. I think this is classic Obama that the masses eat up. Fortunately for those who think for themselves, we see right through him. He's nothing more than a novice political neophyte.