Friday, March 20, 2009

Long list of 'oops' for Obama

  • Insulting President Reagan and his Alzeheimers disease. Had to apologize to Nancy.
  • Making fun of the Special Olympics. Had to apologize.
  • Nominating tax cheats up the kazoo and defending them.... Daschle, Geithner, etc.
  • Said he won't sign a budget with excess pork, but just signed one with over 9,000 earmarks.
  • Nominates an Attorney General who calls us a "Nation of cowards" on race relations. He has to apologize.
  • Hi VP makes fun of the Supreme Court Chief Justice. Obama has to apologize.
  • His Commerce secretary is in a scandal play for pay. Has to withdraw.
  • Says he didn't draw up the AIG bonus mess and not to blame him... The next day, he says "the buck stops with me". Which is it Obama?
  • His Treasury Secretary DID help draw up the AIG bonuses after denying that he knew about it, and Democrat Dodd put the amendment into the bill.
  • His economic adviser said the "fundamentals of the economy are sound". Isn't this what Obama railed on McCain for saying during the campaign? Of course, McCain said this when the unemployment was 6.2% and the Dow was at 11,000. The Obama team said this with unemployment almost 9% and the Dow around 7,000.