Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Why most Christians are conservative

From a Christian perspective, there are so many outlying reasons as to why the vast majority of those of faith vote the Republican ticket.

Values Gap- According to a recent Gallup poll, 76 percent of Republicans say that religion is an "important part" of their life, compared to 57 percent of Democrats. And 55 percent of Republicans go to religious services at least once per week compared to 34 percent of Democrats.

Accountability and Morality- The aspect of "doing what you want" is an example of what Christianity is not. However, this is the exact thing that we see this day. For instance, take the living with your boyfriend/girlfriend before marriage. In most liberal churches, there is not a word spoken about this in church. It is commonplace for unmarried couples to live together. In conservative churches (churches that take the Bible at it's word), speaks out against this sin. Jesus said that our bodies are a temple, and that they belong to Him. The vast majority of Christian conservatives put this law into practice; liberal Christians seem to forget this rule.

Supporting Gallup Poll- Some 59 percent of Democrats say out of wedlock births are morally acceptable, compared to 39 percent of Republicans.

Acceptance of Abortion- Liberals and most liberal churches believe that it's morally acceptable to end the life of an unborn if the mother chooses to. Whereas most conservatives and all conservative churches believe in the sanctity of life, and the unborn has a plan that God has already planned. Many verses in the Bible back this up, including Jeremiah 1:5- Before I knew you, I formed you in the womb; I had a plan for you..."

Recent Gallup Poll: Abortion is morally acceptable to 51 percent of Democrats compared to 25 percent of Republicans.

Homosexuality- Many liberal churches and the vast majority of liberals think homosexuality is morally acceptable, and not sin. The amazing part is, despite the Bible being black and white on this issue, many of these liberal churches speak in favor of this practice. Whereas the vast majority of mainstream churches speak to what the Bible teaches, and the sin that it is. My pastor in San Diego spoke loudly on this, but at the same time, spoke loudly against heterosexual sin- such as sleeping with a boyfriend/girlfriend.

Support Gallup Poll: Homosexuality is morally acceptable to 55 percent of Democrats and 30 percent of Republicans. And 52 percent of Democrats are ready to legalize same sex marriage compared to 22 percent of Republicans.

Teaching in public schools- The public schools that are educating the majority of America's children have been increasingly secularized. This means it has turned toward the teaching of evolution and denied the teaching of Intelligent Design. This is a basic liberal v conservative argument, or Democrat v Republican. In addition, many schools are promoting the teachings of sex education, how to use a condom, etc. to elementary kids. While conservatives want abstinence taught, liberals and Democrats would prefer condom machines in every bathroom and locker room at school. Finally, many California school systems are trying to get into the curriculum the teaching of homosexuality (how gays engage in sex, etc.). This is a fight that conservatives and liberals will be fighting until eternity.

Larry King asked Billy Graham's daughter after the Columbine school attacks why a loving God would allow so many innocent kids to be slaughtered. Her answer? "Our country has been doing everything we can to get the Bible and prayer out of our schools. God may be simply putting his hands back and giving in to our country's wishes."

Tithes and Offerings- Conservatives give FAR more to charity, which includes tithes to churches, than to liberals. An unscientific poll conducted last year said that conservatives give 7.8% of their income, while liberals gave 2.6%. This also includes its leaders: George W. gave well over 10% to charity during his 8 years in office. Dick Cheney gave almost 7 million to the poor and medical research in 2005. That is more than 75% of his income that year. By comparison, Obama has given less than 5% of his income to charity for 4 years running. He made more than twice as much money as W. in 08, yet gave about half of what W. gave to charity. Also, in 1998, the loveable Al Gore gave a whopping $353 to charity... Wow!!!

So when liberals want to start getting preachy about how conservatives are stingy with their money, they should do some fact checking to get the real story.

I spoke with a liberal a few months ago about tithing. This person has been going to church their whole life. The response I heard almost floored me..... Here is what I heard: "Isn't there someplace in the Bible where we are supposed to give a certain amount to charity???" I'm not one to judge, but I will fully defend conservatives honor when it comes to this topic.

Cultural Divide: ACLU vs. Christianity: Basically, the ACLU is fighting like mad to get Christian or Christian symbols out of the public square. This includes prayer in school, pledge of allegiance, the word God on dollar bills, Crosses in memorial parks, etc..

I lived in San Diego for several years. The Mount Soledad Memorial cross has been there since 1913. The overwhelming majority of voters believe the cross should stay there. Yet the fight is still brewing because of the ACLU. This group is doing everything in its power to fight Christianity and every religious tradition our country has had.

The reason why this belongs in the political argument is the ACLU is an armband of liberals, and support all Democrat candidates. In fact, Obama has written several opinion pieces supporting their point of view.

Obama- I know I've written extensively on this, so I'll make it short. This is why many Christians, like myself, don't believe in his rhetoric:
  • Belonged to a racist church for over 20 years.
  • Jeremiah Wright and Michael Pfleger were his spiritual advisors.
  • Obama voted for partial birth abortion, against parental notification, against the Infant Born Alive Act, and nominated Sebelius as his HHS, the most pro-abortion governors in our country.
  • If pregnant by accident, Obama stated he didn't want his kids PUNISHED by having a baby.
  • Instated the Freedom of Choice Act his first week on the job.