Wednesday, December 9, 2009


So I'm sure everybody is aware of Climate-gate. Oh, except the liberal media. So little has been said on this in the mainstream media. It's almost funny, if it weren't so pathetic. So the lead researchers and defenders of global warming at East Anglia University had their emails hacked into. Many of the lead scientists are questioning what to do with the scientific data that shows that global warming may in fact not be as certain as they say. Of course, in their data all of these facts were not put into account.

So whatever ones mindset on whether global warming is primarily manmade would have to stop and wonder why data from only one side of the argument is being touted. While the other side of the debate is being shut off. If it's true science, then let ALL of the data prove it, not just the data that will make the UN, Al Gore, and these universities enough money to buy a small country.

And by the way, why does Gore still travel by private gulf stream if he is so into this "science"?

The facts on the ground remain-- The Earth goes through warming and cooling periods. Over the previous 12 years, it warmed some. Over the past 12 years, it's cooled some. And over the past century and a half, the temperature has gone up a whopping 1.5 degrees. Not exactly enough for us to deplete our economy with cap and trade legislation.