Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Rand Paul begs Obama to campaign for his opponent

Rand Paul, winner of the Republican Primary in Kentucky, is pleading with President Obama to campaign for Paul's Democrat opponent. Classic!! Nothing like mocking the unpopular President...and incredibly unpopular in states like Kentucky.

So Obama has publicly backed strongly four candidates since becoming President. Here they are and the results:
  • Creigh Deeds for Governor of Virginia. Deeds was smashed by Bob McDonnell by 18 points in 2009 race. Obama campaigned for Deeds on more than one occasion.
  • Jon Corzine for Governor of New Jersey. Corzine lost to Chris Christie by 5 points, despite being a liberal state. Obama and Corzine were closely aligned.
  • Martha Coakley for Senator of Massachusetts. In the most liberal of liberal states, Republican Scott Brown (with help from the Tea Party) beat Coakley by about 5 points. Obama campaigned with Coakley the week of the contest. Insult to injury for Obama- Brown promised to be the vote trying to block Obama's health care plan.
  • Arlen Specter for Senate in Pennsylvania. Specter lost his primary battle to Democrat Joe Sestak. Specter switched his allegiance to the Dems back in 2009 so Obama could get his unpopular programs through.
So needless to say, Obama hasn't had any luck trying to sway the public into voting for his preferred candidates. Let's just hope this trend continues from November 2010, til his re-election in 2012!!