Monday, March 1, 2010

Warren Buffets says start over on Healthcare

This line seems very familiar to what Republicans have been saying. Scratch this bill... not because Republicans don't like it... scrap it because the vast majority of AMERICANS don't like it. When, for the past three months, the polls have averaged -15% support for Obamacare, things need to start over.

What's remarkable about Buffet's comment is not that he's in any way an expert on healthcare, he's not. It's that he's a big supporter of Obama. When it comes to domestic policy, you don't hear Obama use any name more prevalent than Buffet, other than maybe former Fed Chair Paul Volcker.

The politics side of me wants Obamacare to go forward. This way the Democrats will be massacred in November. But the bill is just giving way too much control to Washington, which of course Obama wants (even if he denies it).