Friday, September 10, 2010

Equating Quran burning to Mosque opposition??

The liberal establishment media is at it again. It is well known that they cook up some doozies on their philosophical opposites (read- conservatives, Christians, Patriots, etc.). However, this one really stretches ones imagination. They are coming up with a theory in which they are putting the following two issues on equal ground-- the opposition to the Mosque being built by Ground Zero with the Pastor of a Christian church wanting to burn Quran's on September 11th.

However, this flies in the face of reality based on the following points:

  • Not one conservative or Christian in media has backed the burning of the Quran.
  • All asked about it have condemned it (Palin, Hannity, National Review, etc.)
  • If we wanted to play a game, we could call out a liberal double standard.... or hyprocrisy. Wasn't it their First Amendment right to want to build a Mosque at Ground Zero no matter how nuts the idea is? Same thing for the Quran burning- No matter how outrageous this is, why doesn't the liberal media come out and support the churches 1st Amendment right?