Thursday, September 4, 2008

Palin hits a homerun


That's the best word to describe Sarah Palin last night. It's true in every sense of the word. Great oratator (just like Obama), great moxie, very easy on the eyes. Here's a few quick things I noticed from her speech last night.

Palin's teleprompter failed her last night. During extended applause, the teleprompter continued to scroll. So for a large chunk of the speech, she ad-libbed. What an amazing job. She didn't stumble once, was strong in her words, yet seemed extremely relaxed and poised. Something many were surprised to see for a novice on the Big Stage. But many who know her (Bill Kristol, Dick Morris), were not surprised. It almost reminded me of Obama, and his eloquence when he speaks. Only difference is Obama has not proved he can speak well without being behind a lecturn, with a teleprompter. Not sure the date, but on CSPAN they showed a speech by Obama. His teleprompter went out. Until the problem was fixed, he stuttered, couldn't gather his thoughts, etc. It was quite remarkable given that he looks so smooth when he has the teleprompter.

That's probably the best GOP speech since Ronald Reagan. I mean, seriously, this speech was tremendous. She set this thing up in so many great ways: Introduced herself, her family, and her personal story; went into her accomplishments as a mayor and governor; defended many conservative qualities like lower taxes and drilling; ripping into Obama's inexperience, liberalism, and lack of judgment; and lifted her mate as the only truly tested candidate that can REALLY bring change to our politics in Washington.

Her blows on Obama hit the mark. She did it all with a smile on her face. Nothing was personal, just blasting Obama with the facts. My personal favorites were the blow about how Obama speaks to two different audiences (Scranton and SF); how Obama has two memoirs, but NO legislative accomplishments; and that as much as Biden and Obama say they will fight for us, only one in this race has truly "fought" for America. Classic!

Even the liberal media gave her kuddos. Although the liberal, borderline socialist MSNBC had some praise for her, she was still blasted. What a surprise. This network is an absolute joke, but that's another topic. The point is, after all of the media hubbub about her qualifications, Palin passed her first big test with flying colors.

More thoughts....

By Obama and Biden thinking this is a Bush third term, do they not see the differences McCain has with Bush and the Republican Party's orthodoxy?

  • McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Reform. I, along with 99% of Republicans HATE this law.
  • McCain-Kennedy Immigration Reform. I, along with the vast majority of Republicans believe NO amnesty is acceptable for law breakers.
  • McCain-Lieberman Global Warming and Greenhouse Gas Law. Republicans believe this raises energy prices (which it does, and man-made Global Warming is a far fetched idea, which it is).
  • Voted no on Constitutional Amendment defining marriage between 1 man and 1 woman. Bush and most all Republicans support this.
  • ANWR- Bush and all logical thinkers believe getting 1 million barrels of oil a day in a matter of 7-8 years is more important than restoring an area where NO humans go to, and still wouldn't kill the only moving things that see it (Caribou). But McCain is against drilling in ANWR.
  • McCain was in favor of full stem cell research. Bush opposed any destroying of baby embryonic cells.

I'm still waiting to hear from Obama, and how he might differ from his party????????

Fact is, he's a liberal, progressive, socialist, Marxist, whatever you want to call it. And if something doesn't seem to support these ideals, he won't be for it. As much as he says he can work across party lines, HE HAS NOT DONE IT!!!! Him and his campaign state that the elimination of nuclear weapons that he co-authored with Senator Lugar was reaching across party lines. Give me a break. That's something that 100% of the US agree on. It's like saying that a rapist is a bad person.

Finally, this is something that should be pointed out again and again, very revealing:

Palin- "We have faith that every baby is created for good purposes and has potential to make this world a better place.”

Obama- "I don't want my daughters to be punished by a baby if they make a mistake."